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 Steelers’ Chris Hoke Updates His Injury

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Buddha Bus

Buddha Bus

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Steelers’ Chris Hoke Updates His Injury Empty
PostSubject: Steelers’ Chris Hoke Updates His Injury   Steelers’ Chris Hoke Updates His Injury EmptySun Dec 11, 2011 12:10 am

Steelers’ Chris Hoke Updates His Injury
December 10, 2011 12:59 PM

Football, Heard on The Fan, Sports, Steelers

PITTSBURGH (93-7 THE FAN) — Steelers’ nose tackle Chris Hoke joined 93-7 The Fan’s Bob Pompeani to talk about his neck injury and the Steelers in general.

Hoke says that he will undergo a fairly simple surgery that will add a metal plate to his neck because of years of collisions from football since he was a kid. Hoke says that his main concern right now isn’t playing football, it is getting healthy for his family.

He hopes to play football again, but he will take it one step at a time, making sure that he can enjoy a healthy life with his family and doing active things with his kids like wakeboarding and snowboarding.

Hoke says that the Steelers were very happy to come out of the game against Cleveland with the win even though it wasn’t as easy as most would have hoped.

But, the James Harrison hit, he says, was a good hit because Browns quarterback Colt McCoy appeared to be attempting to run the ball when Harrison hit him. However, Hoke says that he is biased and may just be taking Harrison’s side.

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