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 Farrior not expected to return

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Farrior not expected to return Empty
PostSubject: Farrior not expected to return   Farrior not expected to return EmptyThu Mar 01, 2012 3:50 pm

James Farrior’s agent does not expect him to be a Steeler in 2012

Well.....two of my favorite players gone.

I swear to God I'm going out tonight to get drunk -- and I don't even drink.

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Farrior not expected to return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Farrior not expected to return   Farrior not expected to return EmptyThu Mar 01, 2012 4:57 pm

Gingerchip wrote:
James Farrior’s agent does not expect him to be a Steeler in 2012

Well.....two of my favorite players gone.

I swear to God I'm going out tonight to get drunk -- and I don't even drink.

It does suck but it's the business of putting the best players on the field that our limited money can buy.
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Buddha Bus

Buddha Bus

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Farrior not expected to return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Farrior not expected to return   Farrior not expected to return EmptyThu Mar 01, 2012 6:08 pm

I love Farrior too, but he's another victim of the cap. I worry that we not not only have a void at just ILB, but the heart and mind of the defense as well. I hope Sylvester can step up this season. He might be able to fill the ILB role, but I don't know who we turn the reins over to as our new field general. Troy maybe? I'm not certain who else can fill that void.

If it's true, thanks for all the memories and your impeccable leadership, James. You have been a true warrior and asset to the Steelers organization and will be missed. Farrior not expected to return 3056903510 Farrior not expected to return 2335737994

Farrior not expected to return Ee7ffacdb22647915dff1a9d3eef0fd8
-"I stand corrected... But I absolutely and wholeheartedly fart
in the general direction of almost every other thing you have posted to this point."-
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Farrior not expected to return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Farrior not expected to return   Farrior not expected to return EmptyThu Mar 01, 2012 8:05 pm

Gingerchip wrote:
James Farrior’s agent does not expect him to be a Steeler in 2012

Well.....two of my favorite players gone.

I swear to God I'm going out tonight to get drunk -- and I don't even drink.

My $50 offer still stands

Farrior not expected to return 6o22bn
Wallace108: Jon, how the hell do you expect any of us to ever follow your posts? You always set the bar awfully high.  Farrior not expected to return 1664291743

"Ray Rice is special.  He is a guy for all situations, as I have said before, even in an elevator." -Mike Tomlin
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Buddha Bus

Buddha Bus

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Farrior not expected to return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Farrior not expected to return   Farrior not expected to return EmptyFri Mar 02, 2012 4:29 am

JonM229 wrote:
Gingerchip wrote:
James Farrior’s agent does not expect him to be a Steeler in 2012

Well.....two of my favorite players gone.

I swear to God I'm going out tonight to get drunk -- and I don't even drink.

My $50 offer still stands

So this is how the Ravens end up with fans. A low-ball bribe and badgering peer pressure. Farrior not expected to return 3798349058

Farrior not expected to return Ee7ffacdb22647915dff1a9d3eef0fd8
-"I stand corrected... But I absolutely and wholeheartedly fart
in the general direction of almost every other thing you have posted to this point."-
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Join date : 2011-09-28
Location : from upper Ohio Valley to Conyers Ga.

Farrior not expected to return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Farrior not expected to return   Farrior not expected to return EmptyFri Mar 02, 2012 7:58 am

not being drafted a Steeler he sure was a damn good Steeler.
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PostSubject: Re: Farrior not expected to return   Farrior not expected to return Empty

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