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 Steelers resign Charlie Batch

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Steelers resign Charlie Batch Empty
PostSubject: Steelers resign Charlie Batch   Steelers resign Charlie Batch EmptyMon Apr 16, 2012 12:50 pm

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Steelers resign Charlie Batch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers resign Charlie Batch   Steelers resign Charlie Batch EmptyMon Apr 16, 2012 1:00 pm

Steelers resign Charlie Batch 3366384954

Steelers resign Charlie Batch Vasign10

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Steelers resign Charlie Batch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers resign Charlie Batch   Steelers resign Charlie Batch EmptyMon Apr 16, 2012 1:33 pm

I've always been a huge fan of Batch, but sheeeesh. It's time to bring in someone who can play multiple games if the need arises. I'm not sure Charlie can do it anymore. Hell, he couldn't stay healthy when he was younger.

Steelers resign Charlie Batch Juju10

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Steelers resign Charlie Batch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers resign Charlie Batch   Steelers resign Charlie Batch EmptyMon Apr 16, 2012 2:04 pm

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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Buddha Bus

Buddha Bus

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Steelers resign Charlie Batch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers resign Charlie Batch   Steelers resign Charlie Batch EmptyMon Apr 16, 2012 5:01 pm

I love Batch, but I think Wally's right. We need someone who can be depended on for more than a game or two if the need arises.

I assume this could mean Leftwich is considering moving on or they no longer wish to retain his services. I know there was a story claiming Arians wanted to bring him to Indy. Maybe that story has some legs.

Steelers resign Charlie Batch Ee7ffacdb22647915dff1a9d3eef0fd8
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Steelers resign Charlie Batch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers resign Charlie Batch   Steelers resign Charlie Batch EmptyMon Apr 16, 2012 6:39 pm

dude really!!!! he's already gettin sinior citizen discounts and he's gonna play one more year WTF!!!! Steelers resign Charlie Batch 3798349058

Steelers resign Charlie Batch Fer6910

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Steelers resign Charlie Batch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers resign Charlie Batch   Steelers resign Charlie Batch EmptyMon Apr 16, 2012 7:03 pm

They have to keep him or they'll get sued by AARP Steelers resign Charlie Batch 1797695198 Steelers resign Charlie Batch 3366384954

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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Steelers resign Charlie Batch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers resign Charlie Batch   Steelers resign Charlie Batch EmptyTue Apr 17, 2012 2:46 am

bayz101 wrote:
They have to keep him or they'll get sued by AARP Steelers resign Charlie Batch 1797695198 Steelers resign Charlie Batch 3366384954
Steelers resign Charlie Batch 1664291743

I've thought about this a little more, and I think I'm glad they re-signed him. If we lose Dixon and Leftwich, and Ben goes down for several games (or more), I'd feel more comfortable with Batch in there than Troy Smith or whoever the hell else. Even if he is 103 years old.

Steelers resign Charlie Batch Juju10

If you're going to be a smart ass, you'd better be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass.
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Steelers resign Charlie Batch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers resign Charlie Batch   Steelers resign Charlie Batch EmptyMon Apr 23, 2012 10:11 am

Wallace108 wrote:
bayz101 wrote:
They have to keep him or they'll get sued by AARP Steelers resign Charlie Batch 1797695198 Steelers resign Charlie Batch 3366384954
Steelers resign Charlie Batch 1664291743

I've thought about this a little more, and I think I'm glad they re-signed him. If we lose Dixon and Leftwich, and Ben goes down for several games (or more), I'd feel more comfortable with Batch in there than Troy Smith or whoever the hell else. Even if he is 103 years old.

Great point! Plus he can put off his SSI until he hits 72 next year. Steelers resign Charlie Batch 1797695198 He'll draw more that way. It's a win/win.
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