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 Streak for the Cash

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Posts : 6476
Join date : 2011-04-04

Streak for the Cash Empty
PostSubject: Streak for the Cash   Streak for the Cash EmptyThu May 17, 2012 10:20 pm

Some of you may be familiar with this, but on there is a game called "Streak for the Cash" where pick between 2 circumstances and try to string as many together as you can. It covers many different sports and can make watching some games very fun and meaningful (when you wouldn't give 2 hoots otherwise).

For those of you with smart phones, there is an app that makes it easy to play.

Let me know if you play and I can add you to the group I have to have some friendly competition. Streak for the Cash 230572241

Twitter:  @SteelersYak
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Posts : 4276
Join date : 2011-04-14
Location : Ball So Hard University

Streak for the Cash Empty
PostSubject: Re: Streak for the Cash   Streak for the Cash EmptyThu May 17, 2012 10:52 pm


Streak for the Cash 6o22bn
Wallace108: Jon, how the hell do you expect any of us to ever follow your posts? You always set the bar awfully high.  Streak for the Cash 1664291743

"Ray Rice is special.  He is a guy for all situations, as I have said before, even in an elevator." -Mike Tomlin
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