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 Sports Illustrated: Off-season breakdown

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Sports Illustrated: Off-season breakdown Empty
PostSubject: Sports Illustrated: Off-season breakdown   Sports Illustrated: Off-season breakdown EmptyFri Jul 13, 2012 11:29 pm

With NFL training camps just around the corner, we’re taking a team-by-team look at how the offseason played out and what you can expect in 2012.

Pittsburgh has long been one of the NFL’s steadiest and most reliable franchises. An offseason spent purging and restocking the roster will put that consistency to the test.


Sports Illustrated is REALLY weary of copyright. Considering this board is hosted freely, I only included a small portion of the article. Feel free to read it in full at the link, and discuss it here.

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Sports Illustrated: Off-season breakdown Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sports Illustrated: Off-season breakdown   Sports Illustrated: Off-season breakdown EmptySun Jul 15, 2012 2:25 am

Meh, that would be a great article if you were unfamiliar with the Steelers. It just rehashes everything we already know.

Quote :
If there was a year when Pittsburgh might take a step back, though, it would be this one.
Heck, we could realistically say that in any given year. The Steelers always seem to have question marks and concerns, but they usually overcome them.

Sports Illustrated: Off-season breakdown Juju10

If you're going to be a smart ass, you'd better be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass.
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Sports Illustrated: Off-season breakdown
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