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 Murphy: Packers will eventually retire No. 4

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Murphy: Packers will eventually retire No. 4 Empty
PostSubject: Murphy: Packers will eventually retire No. 4   Murphy: Packers will eventually retire No. 4 EmptyFri May 13, 2011 12:52 am

ASHLAND, Wis. (AP)—Green Bay Packers president and CEO Mark Murphy says the team will eventually retire Brett Favre’s(notes) No. 4. They just want to make sure he’s really retired.

“He deserves that for what he did as a Packer,” Murphy told fans in Ashland, Wis., on Wednesday during the team’s annual Tailgate Tour. “But it’s a very, very meaningful honor and we want to do it at a time when it’s meaningful for both him and the organization.”;_ylt=AgzFSCHWLVI3Y5o1FYulkWxDubYF?slug=ap-packers-favre

Quote :
They just want to make sure he’s really retired.
Murphy: Packers will eventually retire No. 4 1549491426

Murphy: Packers will eventually retire No. 4 Juju10

If you're going to be a smart ass, you'd better be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass.
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