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 Best "Cool" Movie.

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5 posters

Best "Cool" Movie.
Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_lcap7%Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_rcap
 7% [ 2 ]
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_lcap21%Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_rcap
 21% [ 6 ]
Oceans 11 (Remake)
Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_lcap7%Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_rcap
 7% [ 2 ]
Resevoir Dogs
Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_lcap11%Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_rcap
 11% [ 3 ]
Pulp Fiction
Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_lcap21%Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_rcap
 21% [ 6 ]
Sin City
Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_lcap14%Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_rcap
 14% [ 4 ]
Fight Club
Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_lcap11%Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_rcap
 11% [ 3 ]
True Romance
Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_lcap4%Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_rcap
 4% [ 1 ]
Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_lcap0%Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_lcap4%Best "Cool" Movie. Vote_rcap
 4% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 28

Buddha Bus

Buddha Bus

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Best "Cool" Movie. Empty
PostSubject: Best "Cool" Movie.   Best "Cool" Movie. EmptyFri May 13, 2011 12:44 pm

Vote for your favorite "cool" movie from this list.

You can vote for 3 movies.

This will be a floating poll, meaning that if an entrant does not receive any votes, they will be replaced and you can re-vote by clicking "cancel vote" at the bottom of the entry list at any time as often as you like.

This poll has no time limit.

Best "Cool" Movie. Ee7ffacdb22647915dff1a9d3eef0fd8
-"I stand corrected... But I absolutely and wholeheartedly fart
in the general direction of almost every other thing you have posted to this point."-

Last edited by Buddha Bus on Thu May 19, 2011 11:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Best "Cool" Movie. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best "Cool" Movie.   Best "Cool" Movie. EmptyFri May 13, 2011 4:13 pm

This ones tough too...I like them all except Oceans 11.

I picked Swingers, Reservoir Dogs and Fear and Loathing though.

Best "Cool" Movie. Theaterseats
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Buddha Bus

Buddha Bus

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Location : The last bar stool on the left

Best "Cool" Movie. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best "Cool" Movie.   Best "Cool" Movie. EmptyFri May 13, 2011 4:27 pm

SteelCityMom wrote:
This ones tough too...I like them all except Oceans 11.

I picked Swingers, Reservoir Dogs and Fear and Loathing though.

I don't really dig Oceans 11 either. I'm not sure why I put it on the list. It has one vote so it stays now. Best "Cool" Movie. 2087824411

Best "Cool" Movie. Ee7ffacdb22647915dff1a9d3eef0fd8
-"I stand corrected... But I absolutely and wholeheartedly fart
in the general direction of almost every other thing you have posted to this point."-
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Best "Cool" Movie. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best "Cool" Movie.   Best "Cool" Movie. EmptyFri May 13, 2011 5:35 pm

Goddamn that was a tough list. I voted for Fear and Loathing, Pulp Fiction, and Sin City.

Best "Cool" Movie. 6o22bn
Wallace108: Jon, how the hell do you expect any of us to ever follow your posts? You always set the bar awfully high.  Best "Cool" Movie. 1664291743

"Ray Rice is special.  He is a guy for all situations, as I have said before, even in an elevator." -Mike Tomlin
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Best "Cool" Movie. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best "Cool" Movie.   Best "Cool" Movie. EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 1:42 am

JonM229 wrote:
Goddamn that was a tough list. I voted for Fear and Loathing, Pulp Fiction, and Sin City.

I voted the same as you.

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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Buddha Bus

Buddha Bus

Posts : 13488
Join date : 2011-04-04
Location : The last bar stool on the left

Best "Cool" Movie. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best "Cool" Movie.   Best "Cool" Movie. EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 4:24 pm

bayz101 wrote:
JonM229 wrote:
Goddamn that was a tough list. I voted for Fear and Loathing, Pulp Fiction, and Sin City.

I voted the same as you.

Best "Cool" Movie. 2940960278 Best "Cool" Movie. 2940960278 Best "Cool" Movie. 2940960278 Best "Cool" Movie. 2940960278 Best "Cool" Movie. 2940960278 Best "Cool" Movie. 2940960278 Best "Cool" Movie. 2940960278 Best "Cool" Movie. 2940960278 Best "Cool" Movie. 2940960278

Best "Cool" Movie. Ee7ffacdb22647915dff1a9d3eef0fd8
-"I stand corrected... But I absolutely and wholeheartedly fart
in the general direction of almost every other thing you have posted to this point."-
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Location : Fresh out of cookie rehab

Best "Cool" Movie. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best "Cool" Movie.   Best "Cool" Movie. EmptySun Apr 29, 2012 11:28 pm

Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Nuff said.
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Best "Cool" Movie. Empty
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Best "Cool" Movie.
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