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 Where has Steelers' run defense gone?

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Galax Steeler

Galax Steeler

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Where has Steelers' run defense gone? Empty
PostSubject: Where has Steelers' run defense gone?   Where has Steelers' run defense gone? EmptyThu Oct 04, 2012 4:29 am

Where has the Steelers' vaunted run defense gone?

Just two years ago, no team stopped the run like the Steelers. Actually, only one did better since the NFL went to a 16-game schedule in 1978.

The defense made history when it held offenses to an average of 62.8 rushing yards per game in 2010, a team record. Only the 2000 Baltimore Ravens were stingier over the past 34 seasons, allowing 60.6 yards per game.

Today, all kinds of defenses stop the run better than the Steelers, a trend that began last season and has carried into this one. They are tied for 14th best in the NFL this season, allowing an average of 101 yards rushing per game. Last season, the finished eighth at 99.8.

Is it yet another sign of old and slow on a defense that starts seven players in their 30s? A bow to the number of injuries they've had on defense the past two seasons? Or the natural back and forth tidal forces that come into play in the NFL?

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Where has Steelers' run defense gone? DeCastro
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Where has Steelers' run defense gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where has Steelers' run defense gone?   Where has Steelers' run defense gone? EmptyThu Oct 04, 2012 3:47 pm

Aaron Smith is gone,big snack is a shell of his former self and Farrior is gone. That's no excuse I know we alwauys have stars waiting in the wings but there is a problem. Timmons,Carter and ( if I can't think of the last guy's name he obviously didn't make an impact yet) Where has Steelers' run defense gone? 2913999526.I was hoping Spence and Sylvester would step up this year but you know how that goes.
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Where has Steelers' run defense gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where has Steelers' run defense gone?   Where has Steelers' run defense gone? EmptyThu Oct 04, 2012 4:58 pm

the title should be "where has the steelers defense gone". i hope im wrong but i feel its going to be like this all year. we are going to have to score a lot of points to win.

Where has Steelers' run defense gone? Vasign10

"Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead." - Butch
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Where has Steelers' run defense gone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where has Steelers' run defense gone?   Where has Steelers' run defense gone? EmptyFri Oct 05, 2012 2:07 am

solardave wrote:
Aaron Smith is gone,big snack is a shell of his former self and Farrior is gone. That's no excuse I know we alwauys have stars waiting in the wings but there is a problem. Timmons,Carter and ( if I can't think of the last guy's name he obviously didn't make an impact yet) Where has Steelers' run defense gone? 2913999526.I was hoping Spence and Sylvester would step up this year but you know how that goes.

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Where has Steelers' run defense gone? Empty
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Where has Steelers' run defense gone?
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