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 Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati

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Galax Steeler

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Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati  Empty
PostSubject: Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati    Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati  EmptySat Oct 20, 2012 2:21 pm

By Dan Gigler / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

With Rashard Mendenhall and Isaac Redman out with injuries, third-year running back Jonathan Dwyer likely will make his first career start Sunday against the Cincinnati Bengals.

He is well aware that the Steelers' anemic run game -- ranked 31st in the NFL -- needs to improve, not only for its own sake, but to help the passing game.

"It helps Ben [Roethlisberger] out. It helps the receivers. It helps our team," Dwyer said, adding that a more potent running attack will keep defenses off-kilter so that Roethlisberger is "able to throw the ball downfield and make those big plays to Mike [Wallace], A.B. [Antonio Brown] and Heath [Miller]. It helps us balance our offense out."

In their three losses, the Steelers have blown fourth-quarter leads that might have been preserved with more effective rushing -- a point not lost on Dwyer.

He said a strong running game "chews up the clock. If we have a lead, we have to run we can chew up the clock and make their defense tired, and maybe even surprise them with a deep ball."

Despite seeing playing time over the past few years, Dwyer said he is excited about having a greater role Sunday.

"Who doesn't want to have the opportunity to -- not only have the opportunity to start -- but actually play NFL football? Play at the highest level each week and get paid to do it. It's like playing a kid's game and getting paid for it. Who wouldn't be excited about this?
A well-scrutinized ankle

After leaving practice early Thursday and favoring his right ankle, Roethlisberger was a full participant in practice Friday and assured reporters afterwards that he is fine, he'll have no problems in Cincinnati Sunday night and that this was not at all related to the left high-ankle sprain that hobbled him in the final month last season.

"It's a completely different thing. It's a different ankle, a different kind of sprain," he said. "That was a high-ankle sprain. This is what the doctor's called a basketball sprain. Just a rolled ankle. Nothing big."

"This is a lot of overkill for nothing. I appreciate you guys wanting to talk to me, though," he laughed.

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Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati  DeCastro
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Buddha Bus

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Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati    Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati  EmptySat Oct 20, 2012 2:21 pm

And the revolving door keeps on spinning....

Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati  Ee7ffacdb22647915dff1a9d3eef0fd8
-"I stand corrected... But I absolutely and wholeheartedly fart
in the general direction of almost every other thing you have posted to this point."-
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Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati    Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati  EmptySat Oct 20, 2012 4:34 pm

its all about the line. if they can open up lanes he should do ok

Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati  Vasign10

"Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead." - Butch
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Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati    Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati  EmptySat Oct 20, 2012 9:32 pm

Haven't seen too much from Dwyer to be impressed this year. He did some exciting things in pre-season, but you know about pre-season...I'm hoping Batch and him can get into a groove because we are going to need that run game to keep pressure off Ben.

To be honest, I really don't feel good about this game and it all comes down to our porous secondary. Ike asking to be lined up with AJ all game with no safety help could be a kiss of death.

Win, Lose, or Tie, I'm a Steeler fan until I DIE!!!
Steelers notebook: Dwyer likely starter at RB in Cincinnati  Drizz10
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