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 'Three Stooges' Actors Look Very Stooge-y in First On-Set Photos

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Buddha Bus

Buddha Bus

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'Three Stooges' Actors Look Very Stooge-y in First On-Set Photos Empty
PostSubject: 'Three Stooges' Actors Look Very Stooge-y in First On-Set Photos   'Three Stooges' Actors Look Very Stooge-y in First On-Set Photos EmptyWed May 25, 2011 4:21 pm

'Three Stooges' Actors Look Very Stooge-y in First On-Set Photos
by: Tim Grierson

If they'd had their way, the Farrelly brothers ("There's Something About Mary") would have made their dream "Three Stooges" film with their first choices: Sean Penn as Larry, Jim Carrey as Curly, and Benicio Del Toro as Moe. It very nearly happened back in 2009, but the casting fell through and the project was put on hold.

Instead, the directing team will now be shooting the film with a less starry cast: Sean Hayes ("Will & Grace") will be Larry, Will Sasso ("MADtv") will be Curly, and Chris Diamantopoulos (the guy from the "Mork & Mindy" TV movie) is your Moe. But even if these actors don't have the star power of a Jim Carrey, the most important question is, "Do they look the part?" Today, we got our first glimpse of the Stooges on set, and the answer is, "Oh yeah, absolutely."

(Read More and View Pics:)

I still think it will suck eggs. No

'Three Stooges' Actors Look Very Stooge-y in First On-Set Photos Ee7ffacdb22647915dff1a9d3eef0fd8
-"I stand corrected... But I absolutely and wholeheartedly fart
in the general direction of almost every other thing you have posted to this point."-
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'Three Stooges' Actors Look Very Stooge-y in First On-Set Photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Three Stooges' Actors Look Very Stooge-y in First On-Set Photos   'Three Stooges' Actors Look Very Stooge-y in First On-Set Photos EmptyThu May 26, 2011 6:08 am

Buddha Bus wrote:

I still think it will suck eggs. No

agreed, i think the original cast they were going to go with would have been great.

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'Three Stooges' Actors Look Very Stooge-y in First On-Set Photos
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