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  NFL fines Baltimore Ravens $20K over Ed Reed injury

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Galax Steeler

Galax Steeler

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 NFL fines Baltimore Ravens $20K over Ed Reed injury Empty
PostSubject: NFL fines Baltimore Ravens $20K over Ed Reed injury    NFL fines Baltimore Ravens $20K over Ed Reed injury EmptyFri Oct 26, 2012 5:10 pm

Ed Reed's openness in discussing a shoulder injury has come at a price for the Baltimore Ravens.

The NFL fined the team $20,000 on Friday for violating the NFL's procedures for reporting injury information.

Reed said in an interview with a local radio station on Oct. 17 that he'd been playing with a torn labrum. The safety acknowledged during the interview that the injury could be affecting his play.

The Ravens got in trouble because Reed wasn't listed on the team's injury report. Per NFL rules, he should have been listed on the report with a shoulder injury and as a full participant in practice.

The Injury Report Policy reads as follows:

"All players with significant or noteworthy injuries must be listed on the report, even if the player takes all the reps in practice, and even if the team is certain that he will play in the upcoming game. This is especially true of key players and those players whose injuries have been covered extensively by the media."

The Washington Redskins and Buffalo Bills each were fined the same amount last week for failing to disclose injury information on Robert Griffin III and Mario Williams, respectively.

 NFL fines Baltimore Ravens $20K over Ed Reed injury DeCastro
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NFL fines Baltimore Ravens $20K over Ed Reed injury
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