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 Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders)

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Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders) Empty
PostSubject: Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders)   Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders) EmptySun Oct 27, 2013 7:40 pm

Even after losses I try to find something positive and award Game Balls as well as Goats. This is the first time I recall never giving a Game Ball. No one is getting one today.


The entire team gets a Goat. Other than the fact that Oakland is horrible, I'm still not sure how we were even in the game at the end. We had no business even having a small chance of winning it.

Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders) Juju10

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Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders)   Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders) EmptySun Oct 27, 2013 10:54 pm

Agreed. As usual we suck on the west coast especially against Oakland. As evident from the stat constantly flashing that we haven't won there since 1995. Well it shows. The whole team looked like a paper bag full of ass that was popped in all of the coaches faces. Beyond horrible play calling. SOMEONE in the front office has to see this right???!!!

Win, Lose, or Tie, I'm a Steeler fan until I DIE!!!
Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders) Drizz10
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Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders)   Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders) EmptyMon Oct 28, 2013 8:54 am

Troy gets a game ball. Dude was all over the place, yet again.

Too many Goats to even name.

Twitter:  @SteelersYak
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PostSubject: Re: Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders)   Game Balls and Goats (Steelers vs. Raiders) Empty

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