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 Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats

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Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats Empty
PostSubject: Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats   Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats EmptySun Dec 15, 2013 11:40 pm

Ok list em

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Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats   Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats EmptySun Dec 15, 2013 11:43 pm

Antonio Brown
Ben Roethlisberger
Tomlin (for not standing on the field during the kickoffs)

Dick LeBeau (for allowing soft coverage throughout the 4th quarter)
STs (for some gaffes that gave the bungals life)

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Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats   Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats EmptyMon Dec 16, 2013 4:22 am

A. Brown
Big Ben
The O-line
The entire team for not quitting

All the fans who bought a ticket to the game and either didn't show up or who left early. I've been a Steelers fan for 33 years, and there haven't been very many times I've been embarrassed about it. But seeing all the empty seats at Heinz Field against the Bengals was absolutely embarrassing. I don't want to hear any more shit about how great Steelers fans are. Apparently, Steelers fans are only great fans when the team is winning. Ever since the Browns came back in the 1990s, they've had only one good season, and I don't recall ever seeing the Browns stadium as empty as Heinz was tonight. A real fan supports the team in both good times and bad. In a bad economy and in cold weather around Christmas time, I don't blame anyone for not wanting (or unable) to buy a ticket. But if you bought a ticket, go to the fucking game. Or find another team to root for because Steeler Nation doesn't need you.

What's even more sad is that we can't blame the nearly non-existent playoff hopes for the poor attendance. Heading into the Dolphins game last week, we could have been sitting in the final playoff spot at the end of the day. And still the stadium was empty. Here's an article about it:

Quote :
At Steelers home games, lots of 'fans' dressed as empty, yellow seats as embarrassment continues for once-proud Pittsburgh franchise

PITTSBURGH -- Sure, it was bone-chillingly cold yesterday afternoon in Pittsburgh. Yes, the flakes began to fall just before kickoff. And by the end of the first quarter, some bundled fans in the stands looked like huddled snow people, the white piling up on their hats, hoods, jackets and, in some hearty cases, their exposed heads. (Full disclosure: This reporter braved the elements.)

There also were a lot of so-called fans dressed as empty, yellow seats in a shockingly vacant Heinz Field. Official attendance was 52,489. That means more than 12,500 so-called fans who had shelled out good money for expensive tickets decided to stay home. Worse, these fans couldn’t even find a friend to give their unwanted tickets away.

(Official capacity is 65,050 and all Steelers games are fully sold out months, even years, in advance due to the team's massive season ticket base and decades' long ticket waiting list. And lest you think the weather was to blame, nearly 8,000 Steelers 'fans' failed to show for the team's Nov. 17 win against the Detroit Lions. Official attendance was 57,095.)

Worse still, many of the freezing fans inside the stadium yesterday were dressed in the aqua and orange of the opposition. Miami fans made their presence known in very respectable numbers.

This used to be a trait of Steelers fans – taking over an opponent’s stadium and making a road battle into a home game. This time, as the tide turned against the Steelers yet again, it was mostly Miami fans who remained.
And their cheers could be heard as the Dolphins’ defense swarmed Ben Roethlisberger in the waning minutes of the contest. Final score: 34-28 Dolphins.


Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats Juju10

If you're going to be a smart ass, you'd better be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass.
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Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats   Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats EmptyMon Dec 16, 2013 4:33 pm

I agree Wally. As a fan, I've never left a game early - winning it by a lot, losing it by a lot, or anything in between. It's always been great going to other stadiums and seeing more Black and Gold than the home team's colors. But lately, I believe the Steelers fan's frustrations have shown and in turn some have decided to make some money instead of continually showing up for what can be perceived as a mediocre season with mediocre effort.

Playing devil's advocate, I can't say that I blame them. For the value of a ticket, I honestly believe that we, the fan, should certainly have greater expectations, and we deserve better results than what we've been shown this year. In an economy where tomorrow a company can lay off hundreds of people, and it won't impact one player, coach, or owner in the NFL, maybe it's time that fans start thinking for themselves. Sell the ticket, make some extra cheddar for Christmas, and watch the mediocre season on a mediocre TV, with a mediocre broadcaster, and enjoy the mediocre life you've got because your boss gives you mediocre pay.

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STEELERS NATION Steelers vs bungals GAME BALLS and goats 3056903510

I am the MAN that created the MYTH that started the LEGEND

Don't choose good when greatness is available!
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