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 Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work

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Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work Empty
PostSubject: Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work   Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work EmptyTue Sep 16, 2014 12:59 pm

Saban was right. Fast paced offenses are dangerous for these athletes. Now they're having heart attacks...

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Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work   Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work EmptyTue Sep 16, 2014 3:39 pm

Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work 1664291743

I'm not even going to comment on the unsportsmanlike angle of that play. That goes without say.

It was stupid from even a football standpoint. No one on the other team even noticed it. They threw the ball to the other side of the field, where no eyes were focused on the "heart attack" player. The ball should have been thrown to the guy in motion, who ran behind the "heart attack" player. Then all eyes would have been on the player having a "heart attack," thus creating a diversion ... and probably a penalty.

This is the first I've seen that play. Can I assume it drew a flag for unsportsmanlike conduct? Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work 2087824411

Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work Juju10

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Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work   Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work EmptyWed Sep 17, 2014 10:06 am

Here is a better video of the worst play that I've ever seen. Receiver got hit after getting up from playing dead. Still not sure who the punter was throwing to, since it was interception. FAIL!

Arkansas State's coach actually defended the play stating receiver did what he was suppose to do. So, there wasn't any flag that I'm aware of.
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Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work   Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work EmptyWed Sep 17, 2014 10:47 am

No flag
Just poor acting
Poor execution
AND, as mentioned, he got blocked during the play

Now that's poetic justice.

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Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work   Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work EmptyWed Sep 17, 2014 4:22 pm

That's why he went to Arkansas State and not Miami lol

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Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work   Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work Empty

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Arkansas State player plays dead on fake punt, play didn't work
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