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 Anyone planning to be in the chat box? Also, Shazier to play

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Anyone planning to be in the chat box?  Also, Shazier to play Empty
PostSubject: Anyone planning to be in the chat box? Also, Shazier to play   Anyone planning to be in the chat box?  Also, Shazier to play EmptySun Oct 26, 2014 4:08 pm

Figured I'd kill two birds with one stone.

So.....anyway going to be in the chat?

Plus - I just read that Shazier will be playing today. Here's hoping he makes an impact Anyone planning to be in the chat box?  Also, Shazier to play 1414754481

Anyone planning to be in the chat box?  Also, Shazier to play Ginger10

Anyone planning to be in the chat box?  Also, Shazier to play We_bel10
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Anyone planning to be in the chat box?  Also, Shazier to play Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone planning to be in the chat box? Also, Shazier to play   Anyone planning to be in the chat box?  Also, Shazier to play EmptySun Oct 26, 2014 6:16 pm

If they don't get Cortez Allen out of this game Luck will throw at him the entire second half. What the hell is LeBeau thinking?
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Anyone planning to be in the chat box?  Also, Shazier to play Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone planning to be in the chat box? Also, Shazier to play   Anyone planning to be in the chat box?  Also, Shazier to play EmptySun Oct 26, 2014 6:53 pm

Time to chat it up in the 'Chatroom'

Anyone planning to be in the chat box?  Also, Shazier to play Scaled.php?server=695&filename=trucky
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STEELERS NATION Anyone planning to be in the chat box?  Also, Shazier to play 3056903510

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Anyone planning to be in the chat box?  Also, Shazier to play Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone planning to be in the chat box? Also, Shazier to play   Anyone planning to be in the chat box?  Also, Shazier to play Empty

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Anyone planning to be in the chat box? Also, Shazier to play
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