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 SCB Steelers Film-Review; Coaching, Execution Prove Vital on Two-Pointer

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SCB Steelers Film-Review; Coaching, Execution Prove Vital on Two-Pointer Empty
PostSubject: SCB Steelers Film-Review; Coaching, Execution Prove Vital on Two-Pointer   SCB Steelers Film-Review; Coaching, Execution Prove Vital on Two-Pointer EmptyWed Nov 05, 2014 6:51 am

SCB Steelers Film-Review; Coaching, Execution Prove Vital on Two-Pointer Scb210

By: Steel Dad

The point after touchdown has been in discussion a lot in the last year. Some see it is a “ho-hum” part of the game and they can take it or leave it while others believe you keep it simply because of the traditional aspects of it.

While the PAT is almost always uneventful, there are times where something goes off by design or by a complete failure to execute properly.

Last Sunday night, the Steelers suffered from the latter but because of proper coaching and perfect execution from the PAT unit, a negative quickly turned into a positive. While the breakdown that follows is elementary to many fans, there are those who might not realize how this whole thing comes to fruition.

In Picture 1 above, the red arrow is indicating Matt Spaeth. His job is to make sure no one goes inside of him and to force anyone on the outside to go out as far as possible. When there is a bad snap however, he becomes the first target for the thrower.

In Picture 2 above, the snap has been botched by Wing who yells “fire” or some other key word the offense will recognize. This tells the eligible receivers to start their pass routes immediately. You’ll notice kicker Shaun Suisham in front of Wing. He actually whiffs on the Ravens’ player coming from the left but gets in his way just enough to allow Wing to escape.

READ MORE (and see the pictures):

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SCB Steelers Film-Review; Coaching, Execution Prove Vital on Two-Pointer Empty
PostSubject: Re: SCB Steelers Film-Review; Coaching, Execution Prove Vital on Two-Pointer   SCB Steelers Film-Review; Coaching, Execution Prove Vital on Two-Pointer EmptyWed Nov 05, 2014 7:33 am

Great article. You know all those years of practicing that (HS football), I often wondered when in the hell would we use it. It wasn't until the other night when you see it pan out.

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