A thoroughly entertaining movie, albeit with a small amount of minor gripes.......translation: it's not perfect. In fact, I'd almost say the movie was too busy, and had too much action.....are these things possible? Yeah I guess, and even with plenty of character driven moments the movie still seemed to bounce around from person to person, without properly centering on any one story arc long enough. Now I do realize there's like 100 characters in this thing now, and screen time for anyone needs to be budgeted like the only pack of condoms at an all-night orgy. But the whole time I'm thinking: "I can't wait to get back to these guys' individual movies, so I get the most out the character I'm going to see." I mean, if you read an Avengers comic you get to digest the story at your own pace, and appreciate all the nuances. In the movies, it's all just flying at you at a blistering pace, and you find yourself constantly reviewing the parts you saw earlier, just so you know why the current events transpiring make sense. Hell, there were many times in the same scene where I had to think back to earlier in the current conversation, so my brain would allow me to continue digesting.
All in all though, good movie, with plenty of great scenes, action, and witty dialogue. But one thing plagues me.....when was the "Age of Ultron?" Did I miss it? Did they forget what the title of the movie was? Wasn't he supposed to be more threatening? That's what I was hoping for, and I guess I only got some of that.....oh well, maybe next time.
"Right now I'm having amnesia and déjà vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before." ~ Steven Wright