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 Steelers hire veteran personnel coordinator

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Steelers hire veteran personnel coordinator Empty
PostSubject: Steelers hire veteran personnel coordinator   Steelers hire veteran personnel coordinator EmptySun May 17, 2015 2:36 am

By Ed Bouchette / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The Steelers hired veteran NFL personnel man Rick Reiprish to join their player personnel department.

Reiprish, a native of Shamokin, Pa., was the New Orleans Saints director of college scouting for 11 years until he was released in a front-office shake-up this year. Previously, he worked as the Jacksonville Jaguars director of player personnel from 1994-2002 and has more than 30 years of experience in player personnel.

Reiprish will replace Ron Hughes, who retired this month as the Steelers senior assistant for college scouting after serving 10 as their college scouting coordinator.


Steelers hire veteran personnel coordinator Juju10

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Steelers hire veteran personnel coordinator Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers hire veteran personnel coordinator   Steelers hire veteran personnel coordinator EmptySun May 17, 2015 4:49 pm

Very bad for public relations to hire a Reiprish this soon after Big Ben's 4 game suspension.
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