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 Steelers OTAs to begin Tuesday May 26th

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Hawaii 5-0

Hawaii 5-0

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Steelers OTAs to begin Tuesday May 26th Empty
PostSubject: Steelers OTAs to begin Tuesday May 26th   Steelers OTAs to begin Tuesday May 26th EmptySat May 23, 2015 3:23 am

Pittsburgh Steelers OTAs to begin Tuesday May 26th

By Jeff.Hartman on May 22, 2015

Steelers OTAs to begin Tuesday May 26th Usa-today-7458012.0

The Pittsburgh Steelers are getting set to start OTAs when players return to the steel city following the Memorial Day holiday weekend.

The Pittsburgh Steelers continue to move towards actual football with their organized team activities (OTAs) which will officially begin Tuesday May 26th. 'Football in shorts', as Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin calls it, will return to the South Side when players return to the steel city following the Memorial Day holiday weekend.

So, you might be wondering under the new CBA what the Steelers can, and cannot, do during these OTAs. Take a look:


Tuesday, May 26 - Consists of the next four weeks, during which teams may conduct 10 days of organized team practice activity, or OTAs. During OTAs, there is no live contact permitted, but 7-on-7, 9-on-7, and 11-on-11 drills are allowed.

The Steelers are scheduled to begin their OTAs on Tuesday, May 26 - the day after Memorial Day - and they will have three sessions that week, three more the following week, and then four the week after that. The specific dates for the Steelers' 10 OTAs are:

May 26, May 27, May 28,
June 2, June 3, June 4,
June 8, June 9, June 10, and June 11.

For the fans out there starving for news on the Steelers, this is as good as it gets for the offseason until mandatory minicamp beings on June 16th.

Take it all in, and remember the season will be here before you know it...just not soon enough.
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Hawaii 5-0

Hawaii 5-0

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Steelers OTAs to begin Tuesday May 26th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers OTAs to begin Tuesday May 26th   Steelers OTAs to begin Tuesday May 26th EmptyTue May 26, 2015 10:28 pm

Steelers Have Full Attendance For Start Of OTA Practices …
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tony hipchest

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Steelers OTAs to begin Tuesday May 26th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steelers OTAs to begin Tuesday May 26th   Steelers OTAs to begin Tuesday May 26th EmptyWed May 27, 2015 11:19 am

Any word if Shamarko Thomas pancaked any O-linemen, jeopardizing their career?


. .
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