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 Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times...

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tony hipchest

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Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times... Empty
PostSubject: Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times...   Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times... EmptySun Sep 06, 2015 11:57 pm

(at least) during tonight's NBC broadcast of NASCAR's Southern 500, in Darlington South Carolina. This week's historic Labor Day race was billed as a throwback weekend with many drivers sporting throwback paint schemes in the uniforms celebrating the heritage of the past.

Coke is the only sponsor that ran a "throwback" commercial. How cool is that?!?


. .
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Hawaii 5-0

Hawaii 5-0

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Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times...   Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times... EmptyMon Sep 07, 2015 12:02 am

greatest commercial ever...
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Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times...   Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times... EmptyMon Sep 07, 2015 8:48 am

Hawaii 5-0 wrote:
greatest commercial ever...


Greatest defensive tackle ever.
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Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times...   Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times... Empty

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Mean Joe Greene's Coke commercial shown 4 times...
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