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 1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes)

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1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) Empty
PostSubject: 1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes)   1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) EmptyWed Oct 07, 2015 9:46 pm

am I the only one who thinks the 1 game wildcard playoff isn't fair??..I understand it looks completely like I have sour grapes because the Bucs are losing but trust me that's not the case..just don't understand why an entire season comes down to 1 game in the playoffs when the regular season is played in series

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1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes)   1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) EmptyWed Oct 07, 2015 11:04 pm

I'm not really a baseball fan, other than playoff time.

However, it is exciting to see the one game playoff. Also, it gives the division winners an edge, as the wildcard teams almost have to pitch their ace to advance.

If you want to advance, you have to win the division. I'm on board with this idea.
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1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes)   1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) EmptyWed Oct 07, 2015 11:21 pm

jak341 wrote:
I'm not really a baseball fan, other than playoff time.

However, it is exciting to see the one game playoff. Also, it gives the division winners an edge, as the wildcard teams almost have to pitch their ace to advance.

If you want to advance, you have to win the division. I'm on board with this idea.
I'm not the worlds biggest baseball fan either..usually watch about 20 or so games a season (which isn't a lot)..and I get the excitement aspect..just doesn't seem fair..a sport that plays series the whole season should be decided by a opinion 1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) 2087824411

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1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes)   1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) EmptyFri Oct 09, 2015 3:40 pm

Well thing is up until a few years ago there was only one wild card. There were a lot of good teams not getting in so they added the second wild card spot. I agree though, the yankees had a great season and were a better team than the astros, they had one bad game and their season is over, and im a yankee fan. But hey if you dont want that one game play off win your division, with that said, its still unfair. Baseball is a game of attrition and when you expect a team to throw together their best line up for one game, thats just not right, it goes against the principals of the game.

1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) 29c3yg5
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1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes)   1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) EmptySun Oct 18, 2015 5:55 pm

I have been a bucs fan for a long time but aside from that, the one playoff game does indeed suck. A team like the Bucs has the second most wins in the league and they're season is over after only one bad playoff game? I guarantee you if that were a 3 game series they are tied 1-1 heading into game 3. Of course it helps the cubs that they took out Kang earlier in the year.
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1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes)   1 GAME PLAYOFF ISNT FAIR (and it isnt sour grapes) EmptyMon Oct 19, 2015 8:31 am

make it the best of 3

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