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 Nazi Mega Weapons

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Nazi Mega Weapons Empty
PostSubject: Nazi Mega Weapons   Nazi Mega Weapons EmptySat Oct 17, 2015 2:53 am

Been watching this show on Netflix. I'm a huge WWII buff so I can never learn enough about WWII. Really very well put together PBS documentary series about the various kinds of insane weapons, structures, and fortifications the Nazis built/invented during WWII. Really love how the show is put together overall and I have actually seen some things that I hadn't known about previously.

The Mega Ships episode in particular is very good, Scary to think the Nazis were planning ships even bigger than the Battleship Bismarck and it's sister ship the Tirpitz. They show some diving footage of the remaining wreckage of the Tirpitz as well during the episode which was very cool to see.

Highly recommend for any fellow history buffs.

Nazi Mega Weapons PaKS9WC
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