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 Into the Badlands

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Join date : 2015-04-11
Location : Des Moines, Iowa

Into the Badlands Empty
PostSubject: Into the Badlands   Into the Badlands EmptyFri Dec 04, 2015 3:22 am

Anybody else watching this show? I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far. I kind of wish it was on on a different night because it has pushed The Talking Dead back by an hour, but it's honestly surprisingly good in my opinion. The fight coreography is awesome, and I like the brutality of it all as well. The story is also pretty interesting.

Love to hear if anyone else has been watching, and what your thoughts are.

Into the Badlands PaKS9WC
"Success isn't owned, it's leased and the rent is due every day." - TJ Watt
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Into the Badlands Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into the Badlands   Into the Badlands EmptyFri Dec 04, 2015 8:18 am

I'm recording it but haven't started watching it yet. I've been waiting for all the other shows I watch to go on hiatus.

Into the Badlands Juju10

If you're going to be a smart ass, you'd better be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass.
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Location : Des Moines, Iowa

Into the Badlands Empty
PostSubject: Re: Into the Badlands   Into the Badlands EmptyFri Dec 04, 2015 11:19 am

Wallace108 wrote:
I'm recording it but haven't started watching it yet. I've been waiting for all the other shows I watch to go on hiatus.

I think you'll enjoy it man. Into the Badlands 2893009358

Into the Badlands PaKS9WC
"Success isn't owned, it's leased and the rent is due every day." - TJ Watt
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PostSubject: Re: Into the Badlands   Into the Badlands Empty

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