Produced by Netflix, this is a 10 part documentary, with each episode being 1 hour long. It deals with a man named Steven Avery, who was wrongfully convicted for rape, and was imprisoned for 18 years before being exonerated by DNA evidence in 2005. The circumstances involving his botched conviction and subsequent incarceration are pretty horrifying to witness as they transpire, but what happens shortly after he's released is as unreal as reality gets. I just watched 7 hours between Sat and Sun this past weekend, and it was hard not to finish it outright. I can't recommend this series any higher, but I will apologize beforehand for any lost sleep it might cause any viewers to endure, after not being able to stop binge watching. This shit is real.
"Right now I'm having amnesia and déjà vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before." ~ Steven Wright