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 'Mean' Joe Greene reunites with co-star from iconic Coca-Cola commercial

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'Mean' Joe Greene reunites with co-star from iconic Coca-Cola commercial  Empty
PostSubject: 'Mean' Joe Greene reunites with co-star from iconic Coca-Cola commercial    'Mean' Joe Greene reunites with co-star from iconic Coca-Cola commercial  EmptyThu Jan 28, 2016 4:58 pm

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Steelers legend "Mean" Joe Greene tossed his game jersey to a young Tommy Okon back in 1979. Almost 40 years later, the dynamic duo looked back at one of the most memorable Super Bowl commercials of all time.

Greene and Okon reunited in an upcoming CBS special entitled "Super Bowl's Greatest Commercials 2016." They discussed what made their legendary Coca-Cola commercial work so well and why it still connects with people today.

Mean Joe Greene my favorite player. this commercial helped showed the world the human side of Joe Greene.

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'Mean' Joe Greene reunites with co-star from iconic Coca-Cola commercial
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