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 ranking movies

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PostSubject: ranking movies   ranking movies EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 5:48 pm

just thought I'd leave you with this in case anybody is interested.  the following is just my opinion and it's possible I'm forgetting something

perfect movies:

the wizard of oz
the big sleep
ox-bow incident
the gunfighter
the day the earth stood still
the thing from another world
the african queen
on the waterfront
12 angry men
father goose
judgement at nuremberg
2001: a space odyssey
once upon a time in the west
star wars: a new hope
blade runner
the princess bride
the big lebowski

near perfect movies:

too kill a mockingbird
sahara  (humphrey bogart)
the caine mutiny
the thin man
young frankenstein
the producers
to have and have not
a bad day at black rock
to catch a thief
north by northwest
key largo
paths of glory
the big country
the shining
the seven samurai
shaun of the dead
the exorcist
indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark

definitely would be interested in seeing how others rank movies

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PostSubject: Re: ranking movies   ranking movies EmptySun Jul 17, 2016 9:18 pm

i used to think of myself as a movie buff until i saw your list. i have not seen over half the movies on your list

ranking movies Vasign10

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Posts : 2443
Join date : 2015-04-08
Location : Near Youngstown OH

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PostSubject: Re: ranking movies   ranking movies EmptyMon Jul 18, 2016 7:41 pm

what! those are classics! lol

depending on your personal tastes aside, I highly recommend them all.

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