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 Rose Bowl - Granddaddy of them all

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Rose Bowl - Granddaddy of them all Empty
PostSubject: Rose Bowl - Granddaddy of them all   Rose Bowl - Granddaddy of them all EmptyTue Jan 03, 2017 10:07 am

What an amazing game last night.

While I was cheering on Penn State, it is still just as easy to step back and recognize last nights performance by both teams as something remarkable.

USC took advantage of Penn State mistakes early in the 1st
Penn State rallied back through the 3rd, twice leading by 14 points
USC rallied late to tie the game, and eventually sealed their victory with a late INT and subsequent game winning FG.

Two remarkable programs on the up.

I wouldn't be surpised if they are both in the playoffs next season.

Rose Bowl - Granddaddy of them all Scaled.php?server=695&filename=trucky
60 MIN
53 MEN
STEELERS NATION Rose Bowl - Granddaddy of them all 3056903510

I am the MAN that created the MYTH that started the LEGEND

Don't choose good when greatness is available!
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Rose Bowl - Granddaddy of them all Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rose Bowl - Granddaddy of them all   Rose Bowl - Granddaddy of them all EmptyTue Jan 03, 2017 10:22 am

I'll take a counter point: I think PSU played above their level all year and will regress next year. And this is coming from a PSU graduate.

Quite frankly (and going against popular opinion), I think Franklin is not a great coach. If there ever was a cheerleader coach, it's Franklin. I didn't like the hire then, and still don't like the hire now. Granted, their record was very good, but a lot of the wins were come from behind 20+ points, or fluky special teams plays. This team could have easily been 8-3 vs. 11-1 going into the bowl game, even with a piss poor BIG this year.

Good coaches coach for 60 minutes, not 30.
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Rose Bowl - Granddaddy of them all
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