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 Roger Goodell receives 5 year extension

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Roger Goodell receives 5 year extension Empty
PostSubject: Roger Goodell receives 5 year extension   Roger Goodell receives 5 year extension EmptyThu Dec 07, 2017 1:16 pm

Well, our fears have come to reality.

Owners have extended Roger Goodell another 5 years. So what does that mean for the league?

1. Inconsistency in fines and suspensions
2. Patriots****** receiving the benefit of the doubt when other teams will not
3. 'The Shield' will remained tarnished
4. There will be a strike when the current CBA runs out
5. Another 5 years without integrity

Roger Goodell receives 5 year extension Scaled.php?server=695&filename=trucky
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53 MEN
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Roger Goodell receives 5 year extension
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