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 Last Chance U

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Join date : 2015-04-11
Location : Des Moines, Iowa

Last Chance U Empty
PostSubject: Last Chance U   Last Chance U EmptyThu Aug 30, 2018 5:45 am

Anyone else watch this documentary on Netflix? If not, I highly recommend it. It's definitely interesting to see how these Division I athletes screw up and end up at small schools trying to clean up their act one last time. For those that haven't seen it, the first two seasons follow East Mississippi Community College, and the third season follows a much smaller and less affluent program at Independence Community College in Independence, KS.

It's a good look into the world of Juco football. I didn't play college ball myself, but I attended Ellsworth Community College here in Iowa and we had some D1 guys on our football team when I was there. If you watch Season 3 of Last Chance you in Episode 4 you get to see them play my Alma Mater. They play them again this year, and Season 4 which is currently in production will likely show their game again.

Highly recommend it to those that haven't seen it, and to those that have I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

Last Chance U PaKS9WC
"Success isn't owned, it's leased and the rent is due every day." - TJ Watt
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