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 Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys

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Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys Empty
PostSubject: Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys   Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys EmptySat Aug 15, 2020 5:07 pm

On Wednesday, former Bengal cornerback Adam “Pacman” Jones received a box of autographed jerseys of Steelers cornerback Joe Haden.

“I’m gonna show you how gangsta I am,” Jones said, before pouring gas on the Haden jerseys. He used a lighter to set them ablaze while nearly burning himself. Jones proceeded to go on a profanity-laced tirade.

a good case of athletic privilege american schools are turning out, if you'er athletic enough colleges will give you a scholarship, if you'er athletic enough an NFL Team will draft you and throw money at you.

Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys 312503953  thumbs up to Porter for doing this prank and in my eyes showing how stupid Pac Man Jones really is. Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys 1797695198
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Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys   Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys EmptyMon Aug 17, 2020 2:33 am

Pac Man is an idiot, "I'm gonna show you how gangsta I am", yeah sorry bro but you showed us that with the whole night club shooting thing, not to mention the infamous playoff game where you couldn't control yourself and gave us an easy chip shot for the win with a stupid and avoidable 15 yard penalty.

Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys PaKS9WC
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Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys   Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys EmptyMon Aug 17, 2020 8:13 am

A has never been with a need to get back in the spotlight any way he can. Pathetic is one word that comes to mind. He should have been locked up for assault when he spit in the female officer's face among all the other criminal acts but here he is.

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Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys   Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys Empty

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Adam 'Pacman' Jones now suspects former Steeler Joey Porter shipped the Joe Haden jerseys
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