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 penn state?

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penn state? Empty
PostSubject: penn state?   penn state? EmptySat Nov 14, 2020 8:43 pm

what is wrong with 0-4 penn state this year?

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penn state? Empty
PostSubject: Re: penn state?   penn state? EmptyTue Nov 17, 2020 7:26 am

effyou515 wrote:
what is wrong with 0-4 penn state this year?

I dunno buy maybe my Hawks will finally manage to beat them this year.

penn state? PaKS9WC
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PostSubject: Re: penn state?   penn state? EmptyTue Nov 17, 2020 12:07 pm

l don't see Jim Harbaugh making it pass this year at Michigan.

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PostSubject: Re: penn state?   penn state? EmptySat Nov 21, 2020 7:22 pm

0-5 now. This is the worst PSU team I've ever seen.
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penn state? Empty
PostSubject: Re: penn state?   penn state? EmptyMon Nov 23, 2020 5:36 am

jak341 wrote:
0-5 now. This is the worst PSU team I've ever seen.

Yeah they are pretty bad, and Iowa would've beaten them worse if we actually had a QB that didn't suck.

penn state? PaKS9WC
"Success isn't owned, it's leased and the rent is due every day." - TJ Watt
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penn state? Empty
PostSubject: Re: penn state?   penn state? EmptyWed Nov 25, 2020 9:35 am

Oh the irony of 2020:
My favorite college team is winless
My favorite professional team is perfect

I could lay out the correlation but I believe (it's the small part of superstition which remains in me) it should remain unsaid.

However, to answer the question what's wrong with them?
1. Coaching
2. Coaching
3. Coaching

penn state? Scaled.php?server=695&filename=trucky
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penn state? Empty
PostSubject: Re: penn state?   penn state? EmptyWed Nov 25, 2020 10:59 am

stlrtruck wrote:
Oh the irony of 2020:
My favorite college team is winless
My favorite professional team is perfect

I could lay out the correlation but I believe (it's the small part of superstition which remains in me) it should remain unsaid.

However, to answer the question what's wrong with them?
1. Coaching
2. Coaching
3. Coaching

That Franklin extension is looking worse and worse.
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Location : from upper Ohio Valley to Conyers Ga.

penn state? Empty
PostSubject: Re: penn state?   penn state? EmptyWed Nov 25, 2020 4:29 pm

jak341 wrote:
stlrtruck wrote:
Oh the irony of 2020:
My favorite college team is winless
My favorite professional team is perfect

I could lay out the correlation but I believe (it's the small part of superstition which remains in me) it should remain unsaid.

However, to answer the question what's wrong with them?
1. Coaching
2. Coaching
3. Coaching

That Franklin extension is looking worse and worse.

doesn't Penn State have some injuries?

Hunter is perfect example of America democracy
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