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 rookie QB prediction

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rookie QB prediction Empty
PostSubject: rookie QB prediction   rookie QB prediction EmptyMon Aug 23, 2021 6:52 pm

so what rookie is going to be the best out of this class ?

zack wilson
trey lance
justin fields
trevor lawrence
mack jones
kyle trask
sam elhinger

i have been talking up zach wilson for a long time now and i stand by my prediction. he has looked good in preseason so far. if the jets get a competent coach he will be patrick mahomes 2.0...who i also predicted great things for ... rookie QB prediction 131212936

lance may prove me wrong. i have had strong doubts about him and fields. lance has looked respectable
fields has been a mixed bag.  he is still a 50/50 shot IMO. i think he may succeed with a strong supporting cast, but isnt a guy that can put the team on his back.

jones has looked like who i thought he was. give him time to throw he can get the job done. put him under pressure and he doesnt look so good.

lawrence i think will be a good long time starter, but i am not sold he will be a great player. i'm thinking maybe a matt ryan or an andrew luck kind of guy. i dont think he will live up to the hype.

kyle trask is looking like hot garbage thus far. to be fair he spent a lot of time running for his life this past game, but when he did throw his accuracy was just bad. i made the mason rudolf comparison...that stands.

sam elingher has to be a pleasant surprise for colts fans so far. im not predicting he will ever be a quality starter, but im also not ready to say he couldnt be.
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