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 Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan

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Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan Empty
PostSubject: Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan   Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan EmptyWed Dec 01, 2021 4:39 am

Cannot say I am looking forward to his game. The Hawks have no offense and have been living off of their defense as well as some luck this season. Michigan looks like the best team that they've had in years, and Harbawl finally got the OSU monkey off of his back. I'm not liking the looks of this one. Though I think it'd be about the most Iowa thing ever for them to beat Michigan for the Championship and to piss in Harbawl's cheerios in that fashion.

Guess we'll see.

Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan PaKS9WC
"Success isn't owned, it's leased and the rent is due every day." - TJ Watt
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Location : Des Moines, Iowa

Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan   Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan EmptySun Dec 05, 2021 10:55 am

Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan Giphy

Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan PaKS9WC
"Success isn't owned, it's leased and the rent is due every day." - TJ Watt
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Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan   Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan EmptySun Dec 05, 2021 3:51 pm

Michigan better win all they can win rest of this season because they'll lose a lot of talent this coming graduation.
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Location : Des Moines, Iowa

Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan   Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan EmptySun Dec 05, 2021 9:36 pm

I hope Georgia destroys Michigan. Harbaugh can fuck off honestly, running up the score last night and throwing the ball when the game was well out of reach was a dick move.

Big Ten Championship 12/4 Iowa vs Michigan PaKS9WC
"Success isn't owned, it's leased and the rent is due every day." - TJ Watt
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