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 James Harrison: Hero or Villain? | A Football Life

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James Harrison: Hero or Villain? | A Football Life Empty
PostSubject: James Harrison: Hero or Villain? | A Football Life   James Harrison: Hero or Villain? | A Football Life EmptyWed Jan 05, 2022 10:43 pm

James Harrison: Hero or Villain? | A Football Life

I didn't know Big Ben and Harrison played one game against each other in College and James sack Ben a few times.

Trump is living the American dream!
From a McDonalds employee to garbage man, to President.
The red wave hit Kamala so hard, FEMA gave her $750.
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James Harrison: Hero or Villain? | A Football Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: James Harrison: Hero or Villain? | A Football Life   James Harrison: Hero or Villain? | A Football Life EmptyFri Jan 07, 2022 1:25 pm

He is neither, he's just a guy who plays football for money. With that said, he was a very good guy that played the game at a level few do and I think we miss having JH type players on the team now. Greatest play in SB history was his and that, to me, gives him a special place in the Steelers history books. JMO>

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James Harrison: Hero or Villain? | A Football Life
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