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 QB position got really expensive

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QB position got really expensive  Empty
PostSubject: QB position got really expensive    QB position got really expensive  EmptyThu Jul 28, 2022 9:06 am

5 years, $230.5 million

It's worth up to $230.5 million with about $105 million guaranteed at signing and $160 million guaranteed for injury.

“Independent Study” is defined in the contract as Murray having to study “the material provided to him by the Club in order to prepare for the Club’s next upcoming game, including without limitation any such material provided via an iPad or other electronic device. With that type of money a player would become a QB room junkie?

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QB position got really expensive  Empty
PostSubject: Re: QB position got really expensive    QB position got really expensive  EmptyMon Aug 01, 2022 7:50 am

effyou515 wrote:
5 years, $230.5 million

It's worth up to $230.5 million with about $105 million guaranteed at signing and $160 million guaranteed for injury.

“Independent Study” is defined in the contract as Murray having to study “the material provided to him by the Club in order to prepare for the Club’s next upcoming game, including without limitation any such material provided via an iPad or other electronic device. With that type of money a player would become a QB room junkie?

They caved and took that clause out.
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QB position got really expensive
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