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 When does James Franklin gets fired?

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Join date : 2011-09-28
Location : from upper Ohio Valley to Conyers Ga.

When does James Franklin gets fired? Empty
PostSubject: When does James Franklin gets fired?   When does James Franklin gets fired? EmptySat Nov 02, 2024 8:47 pm

He can't beat top 5 teams or OSU teams

Hunter is perfect example of America democracy
When money becomes ideology the gangsters become leaders
Several species of small furry animals gathered together grooving with a pict
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Location : Des Moines, Iowa

When does James Franklin gets fired? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When does James Franklin gets fired?   When does James Franklin gets fired? EmptyMon Nov 04, 2024 5:23 am

I have to think that guy is skating on pretty thin ice right now. Fans were even giving him hell after this last game.

When does James Franklin gets fired? PaKS9WC
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Posts : 5354
Join date : 2011-09-28
Location : from upper Ohio Valley to Conyers Ga.

When does James Franklin gets fired? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When does James Franklin gets fired?   When does James Franklin gets fired? EmptyTue Nov 05, 2024 6:36 am

IowaSteeler927 wrote:
I have to think that guy is skating on pretty thin ice right now. Fans were even giving him hell after this last game.

The hard part is in a lot of those games Penn State would be so close then the game turns on them.

Hunter is perfect example of America democracy
When money becomes ideology the gangsters become leaders
Several species of small furry animals gathered together grooving with a pict
"Sinful mankind latches onto bad ideas to justify their sinful behavior."
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When does James Franklin gets fired? Empty
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