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 The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time!

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Buddha Bus

Buddha Bus

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The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! Empty
PostSubject: The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time!   The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! EmptyTue Sep 27, 2011 5:59 pm

The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time!
Posted Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:56am PDT by Rob O'Connor in List Of The Day

With the impending doom of Loutallica and its 19-minute "Junior Dad" lurking in the pre-release shadows, it's time to list the Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time. (For those blissfully unaware, Loutallica is the forthcoming Lou Reed / Metallica album that no one is looking forward to.)

In order to qualify for "Worst Heavy Metal Album," the band in question needed to be somewhat famous. After all, why kick a band when it's down, who were never up in the first place?

I would like to thank my crack team for helping out here. Special shout out to two very serious metal veterans, John Chernack of the legendary and deliberately misspelled Fantom Warior and Joey Leshko from the classic heavy metal band Back From The Dead. They didn't wish to speak ill of fellow metal bands. But they coughed up a couple here. I'm not telling you which ones so you can't blame them!

The comments below are mine. So blame me for insulting your beloved album. But, really, if you're going to get mad about someone slamming Music From "The Freakin' Elder," how much of a true metalhead can you be?

All Van Halen albums with Sammy Hagar qualify for this list. But that was too obvious.

Do NOT bang your head to any of the following.

To find out the ten worst heavy metal albums of all-time and read more go to:


I'd say that's a pretty good (or bad!) list except for Ozzy's "Bark At The Moon" album. I mean, c'mon! We have to give the Prince of Darkness a pass here! The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! 3262125054

The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! Ee7ffacdb22647915dff1a9d3eef0fd8
-"I stand corrected... But I absolutely and wholeheartedly fart
in the general direction of almost every other thing you have posted to this point."-
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The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time!   The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! EmptyTue Sep 27, 2011 6:07 pm

Buddha Bus wrote:

I'd say that's a pretty good (or bad!) list except for Ozzy's "Bark At The Moon" album. I mean, c'mon! We have to give the Prince of Darkness a pass here! The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! 3262125054

the music from the elder The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! 1549491426

and i agree buddha, bark at the moon is not that bad.....not great, but not that bad

The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! Vasign10

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The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time!   The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! EmptyThu Sep 29, 2011 11:18 pm

I don't think any of these albums are the WORST heavy metal albums of all time. I've heard lots of albums 10 times worse than anything on that list. And half of them are in my CD collection. The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! 1664291743

Just to comment on a few on the list:

Music From the Elder
As a Kiss fan growing up, I just about puked the first time I heard this album. I tried listening to it here and there over the years, but it was just horrible. But one week about 15 years ago, I forced myself to listen to the entire album a few times. I found that a few songs weren't half bad. And the more I listened to it, the entire album started to grow on me. There's something kind of dark and mysterious I like about it. Don't get me wrong ... I'm not saying it's a great album. But I don't think it's as horrible as people make it out to be.

Yeah, this album sucks. Growing up in the 80s, Def Leppard was one of the top hard-rock bands. But then they decided to change. They tried to separate themselves from the hard-rock image and become more like Bon Jovi or something. Epic fail!!

Motley Crue
This is another album I hated for a long time. And it's funny that it's on this list because I was just listening to it a few weeks ago. It's actually a decent album, but without Vince Neil, it sounds like a completely different band. Some of that was because of new singer John Corabi, and some of it was because they changed their sound with the emergence of grunge. All in all, I wouldn't even say it's the worst Motley Crue album.

Come Out and Play
I'm one of the goofballs who still loves Twisted Sister. What can I say? I had a mullet for about 8 years and I still drink Busch Light. No more explanation needed. But yeah, this album absolutely sucked.

Bark at the Moon
Not one of the better Ozzy albums. But one of the worst albums of all time? Pfffft!!!!

Chinese Democracy
Like most people, I was really disappointed with this album. But that's only because I bought into the hype of the 15-year wait. With that much time in between albums, everyone was expecting Axl Rose to re-invent the wheel and shock the world with the greatest album ever recorded. But the reality is that there's more to making a great album than just the time it takes to make it. Everyone's expectations for this album were so high, anything less than perfect was going to be seen as a failure. It's a good album. Not great, but certainly not horrible.

The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! Juju10

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The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time!   The Ten Worst Heavy Metal Albums of All-Time! EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 2:24 pm

GNR is my favorite band and CD was a horrible album.
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