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 Keisel helps fight the battle against CF

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Keisel helps fight the battle against CF Empty
PostSubject: Keisel helps fight the battle against CF   Keisel helps fight the battle against CF EmptyFri Dec 02, 2011 11:03 am

Quote :
Earlier this week Brett Keisel was named the Steelers 2011 Walter Payton Man of the Year.

On Thursday night he proved why he is the recipient of the honor as he served as the honorary chairman for the Cystic Fibrosis 65 Roses Sports Auction, one of the many things he does in the community.

It’s a chance for him to show his softer side, as hidden behind the mountain man with the beard is someone whose heart is huge and whose passion for helping children in need is hard to match, especially when seeing some of the young CF Ambassadors he has gotten to know over the years, including nine-year old Emma Chichilla and three-year old Anthony Sarkis.

It a time when players seem to care less about the fans or their community, it seems that a few are still willing to stand up and fight for something bigger than themselves.

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