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 Packers promote Clements to OC

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Packers promote Clements to OC Empty
PostSubject: Packers promote Clements to OC   Packers promote Clements to OC EmptyThu Feb 02, 2012 8:12 pm

Posting this here because he was talked about as a candidate for the Steelers. I guess we can scratch him off the list.

Packers promote Clements to OC Juju10

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Packers promote Clements to OC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Packers promote Clements to OC   Packers promote Clements to OC EmptyThu Feb 02, 2012 8:28 pm

Packers promote Clements to OC 2913999526 Packers promote Clements to OC 2164293255

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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Packers promote Clements to OC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Packers promote Clements to OC   Packers promote Clements to OC EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 1:53 am

Len Pasquarelli reported that the Steelers were interested in Clements.

Packer Report
@PackerReport Packer Report
Len Pasquarelli says the #Steelers were interested in having Clements be their OC before #Packers promoted him for that gig.!/PackerReport/status/165553696728551425

Packers promote Clements to OC Juju10

If you're going to be a smart ass, you'd better be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass.
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Packers promote Clements to OC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Packers promote Clements to OC   Packers promote Clements to OC Empty

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Packers promote Clements to OC
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