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 Cook: Faneca's next stop should be the Hall

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Cook: Faneca's next stop should be the Hall Empty
PostSubject: Cook: Faneca's next stop should be the Hall   Cook: Faneca's next stop should be the Hall EmptyMon May 16, 2011 12:51 am

By Ron Cook, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Joe Greene? The greatest Steeler of all time.

Terry Bradshaw? The greatest quarterback in team history, although Ben Roethlisberger is closing quickly.

Franco Harris? The greatest running back.

Mel Blount or Rod Woodson? I'll take Blount at cornerback.

Jack Lambert or Jack Ham? I'll take either linebacker.

Lynn Swann, John Stallworth or Hines Ward? Too close to pick just one wide receiver.

Is this fun or what?

Among the many joys of having a storied NFL franchise in town is trying to rank its legendary players.

So where are you putting Alan Faneca, who announced his retirement last week, on the Steelers' list of great offensive linemen?

I've got him No. 2, right behind Mike Webster and just ahead of Dermontti Dawson.

Read more:

Cook: Faneca's next stop should be the Hall Juju10

If you're going to be a smart ass, you'd better be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass.
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