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PostSubject: Support MD Steeler Fans   Support MD Steeler Fans EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 3:29 pm

So a local bar here in MD, Red Eyes Dock Bar, has decided to become a Steeler bar and announced it on their website and Facebook. Since that announcement, the Ravens fans have really showed why they are some the most classless fans in the country. The posts that they have made on Red Eyes Facebook page is downright criminal simply because they wanted to have a nice place for Steeler fans to watch the game together.

If you get the chance, please go to their page and like them for taking a stand in hostile territory and show Ravens fans what being a true football fan is all about.

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Support MD Steeler Fans Drizz10
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PostSubject: Re: Support MD Steeler Fans   Support MD Steeler Fans EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 3:36 pm

Here's their latest tweet on Twitter:

Quote :
Red Eye's Dock Bar ‏@RedEyesDockBar

Sunny 80's, cloudless and a nice breeze. Great day to come to Red Eyes for live music and a bikini contest!

So let me get this straight ... sun, a nice breeze, music, bikinis, and the Steelers? Yeah, what's not to love?!?!? They got my support. I'll try to direct some attention their way on Twitter.

Support MD Steeler Fans Juju10

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PostSubject: Re: Support MD Steeler Fans   Support MD Steeler Fans EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 3:52 pm

Sounds like a perfect day to me as well. Hate seeing some of these so called "fans" trying to rain on everyone's parade.

And thanks for the support!

Win, Lose, or Tie, I'm a Steeler fan until I DIE!!!
Support MD Steeler Fans Drizz10
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PostSubject: Re: Support MD Steeler Fans   Support MD Steeler Fans EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 4:39 pm

Here's what I don't understand. It's a freakin' FB page and people are all up in arms. There is nothing less sincere than people acting like an infant over the intranetz.

If people are going to go out of their way to avoid this place, then it'll just open up the bar for people who know how to enjoy a good time regardless of team affliation.

Pretty sad day when this is the biggest issue, a bunch of ratbird fans are denouncing a bar on FB!

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