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 Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team

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Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team Empty
PostSubject: Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team   Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team EmptyWed Jun 27, 2018 11:50 am

Steelers Nation is definitely passionate, but it apparently doesn’t support its team financially the way other top NFL fan bases do.

That was the conclusion of Emory University’s 2018 “NFL Fan and Brand Report,” a study geared toward quantitatively analyzing which teams have the league’s best fan bases.

The Steelers do fairly well overall, coming in at No. 5. That ranking is unchanged from last year and puts them in elite company with the Dallas Cowboys, New England Patriots*, Philadelphia Eagles and New York Giants, which slot into the top four slots in the rankings.

But as in past years, the team continues to lag behind its peers in “fan equity,” one of three categories used in the study to create an average on which the overall rankings are based.

The Steelers place 16th in that category, which “looks at home revenues relative to expected revenue based on team performance and market characteristics.”*/stories/201806260153

Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team Juju10

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Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team Empty
PostSubject: Re: Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team   Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team EmptyWed Jun 27, 2018 5:47 pm

sorry I don't buy much NFL stuff because of players like L. Bell, Kaepernick and so on with a lot of players forgetting who is paying for the Stadium they play in and who is making their multi million dollar contracts a reality.

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Quest For Seven

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Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team Empty
PostSubject: Re: Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team   Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team EmptyWed Jun 27, 2018 6:38 pm

They haven't looked in my house. Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team 1797695198

Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team Image

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Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team Empty
PostSubject: Re: Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team   Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team EmptyWed Jun 27, 2018 8:21 pm

Mach1 wrote:
They haven't looked in my house. Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team 1797695198

They'd probably find a lot of these ...

Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team S-l300

Empty of course. Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team 1797695198

Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team Juju10

If you're going to be a smart ass, you'd better be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass.
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Quest For Seven

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Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team Empty
PostSubject: Re: Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team   Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team EmptyWed Jun 27, 2018 10:29 pm

Wallace108 wrote:
Mach1 wrote:
They haven't looked in my house. Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team 1797695198

They'd probably find a lot of these ...

Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team S-l300

Empty of course. Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team 1797695198

Oh so thats what they look like. Only ones I can find around here are suckhawks and broncos. Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team 1505004552

Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team Image

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Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team Empty
PostSubject: Re: Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team   Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team EmptyFri Jun 29, 2018 3:35 am

Mach1 wrote:
They haven't looked in my house. Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team 1797695198

Mine either. My last trip to Pittsburgh I probably spent upwards of a grand on merchandise. I busted out a ton of OT leading up to that game just so I could go hog wild and spend a bunch of money on gear. Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team 3798349058

Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team PaKS9WC
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Study: Steelers fans don't open their wallets to support the team
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