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 New app to keep you tweeting after death

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PostSubject: New app to keep you tweeting after death   New app to keep you tweeting after death EmptyTue Feb 19, 2013 11:28 pm

Quote :
Reuters / Regis Duvignau

A new application will soon allow users to keep posting Twitter updates from beyond the grave, independently using intricate knowledge of your online character to create a virtual continuation of your personality after you die.

­“When your heart stops beating, you'll keep tweeting,” says the new application’s tagline.

‘LivesOn’ will let users pursue ‘life after death’ on their social media profiles, letting the deceased communicate with loved ones. LivesOn will keep posting after you kick the bucket, following the example of the DeadSocial platform.

Due to be launched in March, the LivesOn application will keep tweeting after you pass on. The service will utilize advanced analysis of your main Twitter feed, to carefully select appropriate subjects, likes, or articles that would have been likely to interest you, posting them on your behalf for your friends to read.

New app to keep you tweeting after death Juju10

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Galax Steeler

Galax Steeler

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PostSubject: Re: New app to keep you tweeting after death   New app to keep you tweeting after death EmptyWed Feb 20, 2013 4:29 am

You have got to be kidding me. New app to keep you tweeting after death 1505004552

New app to keep you tweeting after death DeCastro
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PostSubject: Re: New app to keep you tweeting after death   New app to keep you tweeting after death EmptyThu Feb 21, 2013 10:04 pm

this is the funnies shit ever i dont know why but i cant stop laughing New app to keep you tweeting after death 1549491426 New app to keep you tweeting after death 3562723908 New app to keep you tweeting after death 1549491426 New app to keep you tweeting after death 3562723908

New app to keep you tweeting after death Fer6910

F@(k Wallace.. Throw it to Miller
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