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 Black Death review

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PostSubject: Black Death review   Black Death review EmptySun Jul 31, 2011 8:25 pm

I'm guessing many of you probably haven't seen this movie. Here's my review!!!

"Nobody knows why you go to a picnic to be uncomfortable when it is so easy and pleasant to eat at home."
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Black Death review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Black Death review   Black Death review EmptySun Jul 31, 2011 8:40 pm

Haven't seen it ... never even heard of it. Sounds intriguing though.

Black Death review Juju10

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Black Death review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Black Death review   Black Death review EmptySun Jul 31, 2011 8:44 pm

Saw it a few months ago...loved it.

Watched it the same night I watched Sauna and have never been so freaked out in a single evening lol. The movie itself isn't particularly scary or gory, but late night on a rainy evening with another creepy movie did the trick.

Well done flick IMO. Not the greatest ever, but definitely entertaining and enjoyable.

Good job on the review as well. Pretty much agree with all of it.

Black Death review Theaterseats
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Black Death review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Black Death review   Black Death review EmptyMon Aug 01, 2011 1:21 am

SteelCityMom wrote:
Saw it a few months ago...loved it.

Watched it the same night I watched Sauna and have never been so freaked out in a single evening lol. The movie itself isn't particularly scary or gory, but late night on a rainy evening with another creepy movie did the trick.

Well done flick IMO. Not the greatest ever, but definitely entertaining and enjoyable.

Good job on the review as well. Pretty much agree with all of it.

Glad you enjoyed the movie and the review!!! I certainly didn't think it was my kinda movie going into it, but I was pleasantly surprised.

And I can see how one might be freaked out on a rainy evening with this movie. It's not really meant to be a jumpy horror type flick, but it is disturbing nonetheless. I think the Bubonic Plague is actually just a really creepy topic by itself!

"Nobody knows why you go to a picnic to be uncomfortable when it is so easy and pleasant to eat at home."
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Black Death review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Black Death review   Black Death review EmptyMon Aug 01, 2011 1:36 am

Oh by the way SC, you have Netflix I'm assuming right?

"Nobody knows why you go to a picnic to be uncomfortable when it is so easy and pleasant to eat at home."
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Black Death review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Black Death review   Black Death review EmptyMon Aug 01, 2011 7:49 am

mcg24 wrote:
Oh by the way SC, you have Netflix I'm assuming right?

Yup I do. Myself and Jon don't use the DVD's much anymore (we just let our girl pick out movies/shows she wants to rent), since I'm extremely impatient and usually end up downloading things that aren't available for instant queue. But I do love the instant queue...don't have cable, so between NetFlix and Hulu I get everything pretty much covered for really cheap.

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