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 UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident

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Lady Steel
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UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Empty
PostSubject: UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident   UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident EmptyWed Dec 04, 2013 7:45 pm

Ok so I'm sure by now everyone has heard the news, and I'm too lazy to go get a link right now but here's the 411.

1.  Tomlin was fined 100K for his being on the field during the kickoff return
2.  The NFL states that it may either modify the Steelers draft picks or take away Steelers draft picks

Talking heads are ok with the fine, some (including myself) feel the fine should have been more.  However, I don't feel the NFL is in the right to take away draft picks.  That's ridiculous.

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STEELERS NATION UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident 3056903510

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PostSubject: Re: UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident   UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident EmptyWed Dec 04, 2013 9:42 pm

Here's the article on the fine:

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STEELERS NATION UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident 3056903510

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Lady Steel

Lady Steel

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UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident   UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident EmptyThu Dec 05, 2013 2:55 am

I think the entire thing is bullshit, but okay, Tomlin has been fined. I don't think we will lose a draft pick, but I wouldn't put anything past Goodell. UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident 2625562446 
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UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident   UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident EmptyThu Dec 05, 2013 6:49 am

Lady Steel wrote:
I think the entire thing is bullshit, but okay, Tomlin has been fined.  I don't think we will lose a draft pick, but I wouldn't put anything past Goodell.  UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident 2625562446 
I believe when the Jets coach deliberately tripped a player a couple season ago the Jets were fined, and absolutely ZERO other penalties. No draft picks, nothing.

If we are docked a draft pick it'll be absolute bullshit.

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PostSubject: Re: UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident   UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident EmptyThu Dec 05, 2013 8:14 am

I don't expect the league to take away a draft pick, but I really wouldn't be surprised if they did. We're talking about the new and improved NFL UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident 1072540953 that now fines players for such major offenses as facemask penalties.

UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Juju10

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UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident   UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident EmptyThu Dec 05, 2013 10:14 am

They just want a way to hang this over our heads and the leagues for the rest of the season. They won't make a decision until draft pick order has been established. Meaning, take heed league or this could happen to you.

It's Goodell and his stupid childish bullshit again. The Steelers would hire a grievance committee if Goodell were to steal a draft pick for something so minor that had no impact on the game or season.

Win, Lose, or Tie, I'm a Steeler fan until I DIE!!!
UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Drizz10
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UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident   UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident EmptyThu Dec 05, 2013 6:40 pm

The more I read about this, more angry I get with it. Goodell is such a freggin joke. He's turning the league sissy and making ridiculous punishments.

I liked what Clark said, something to the effect of "When has Goodell ever been fair?"

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Lady Steel

Lady Steel

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UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident   UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident EmptyFri Dec 06, 2013 12:02 am

I'm okay with the $100,000 fine, but by reading this thread again today, I'm starting to get a bad feeling about Goodell taking a draft pick(s).

I'm hoping, too, that it's just Goodell trying to keep everyone on a short leash for the remainder of the season, but it's such a bad feeling to have.

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UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident   UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident EmptySat Dec 07, 2013 2:02 pm

Taking a draft pick would be complete BS.

We are not Goddell's "golden team" (unlike the Cheats). I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this happens, though.

Someone, please, fire Goddell UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident 2306309830 

UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Ginger10

UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident We_bel10
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UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident   UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident EmptySun Dec 08, 2013 11:43 am

Quote :
Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident

The NFL has in fact decided to strip a draft pick from the Pittsburgh Steelers as punishment for Mike Tomlin’s sideline misstep with Baltimore kick returner Jacoby Jones, CBS’ Jason La Canfora reported Sunday. The league previously fined Tomlin $100,000 for his actions on the play, in which the Pittsburgh coach nearly made contact with Jones as he ran down the sideline.

“Because the conduct affected a play on the field, a modification or forfeiture of draft choices will be considered after the final order of the 2014 draft has been determined,” the NFL said in a statement announcing that Tomlin fine.

According to La Canfora, the NFL will not hand down its final verdict in this case until all draft picks are set. That falls somewhat in line with earlier reports that the league would wait to see a) which compensatory draft slots the Steelers may wind up with; and b) if the four points that Tomlin’s act eventually cost Baltimore somehow came into play as a postseason tiebreaker.
This sucks. The only good news is that it's being reported by La Canfora. I could just make stuff up and be right about as often as he is.

UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Juju10

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UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Empty
PostSubject: Re: UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident   UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident EmptySun Dec 08, 2013 7:19 pm

If we loose a draft pick i will hurt somebody!

UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Fer6910

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PostSubject: Re: UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident   UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident EmptySun Dec 08, 2013 10:33 pm

The Rooney's should argue this one. It's complete and utter BS and Roger Goodell knows it. But it is what it is and in today's NFL they're all about the screw jobs unless your the commissioners Belichick, Brady, etc.

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STEELERS NATION UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident 3056903510

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PostSubject: Re: UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident   UPDATE: Report: Steelers will lose draft pick for Mike Tomlin sideline incident Empty

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