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 Charlie Sheen's 'Anger Management' Sitcom

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Charlie Sheen's 'Anger Management' Sitcom  Empty
PostSubject: Charlie Sheen's 'Anger Management' Sitcom    Charlie Sheen's 'Anger Management' Sitcom  EmptyTue Jul 19, 2011 12:30 am

By NELLIE ANDREEVA | Monday July 18, 2011 @ 8:51am PDT

This is an announcement of the completion of the deal for the project, based on the 2003 Jack Nicholson-Adam Sandler movie Anger Management, which is in early stages and still has no network or writer attached.

On the show, Sheen will play an updated version of the Nicholson's character in the Joe Roth-produced movie, a volatile anger management therapist. “I chose Anger Management because, while it might be a big stretch for me to play a guy with serious anger management issues, I think it is a great concept,” Sheen quipped.

Charlie Sheen's 'Anger Management' Sitcom  Charlie-sheen-winning-two-and-a-half-men-funny-interview-tee-black

Charlie Sheen's 'Anger Management' Sitcom  Juju10

If you're going to be a smart ass, you'd better be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass.
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Charlie Sheen's 'Anger Management' Sitcom  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charlie Sheen's 'Anger Management' Sitcom    Charlie Sheen's 'Anger Management' Sitcom  EmptyTue Jul 19, 2011 2:35 am

In the world of candy.... Sheen is a Almond Joy bar.

He's always a nut.

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Charlie Sheen's 'Anger Management' Sitcom
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