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 Game of Thrones

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Game of Thrones - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Game of Thrones   Game of Thrones - Page 5 EmptyFri Jul 01, 2016 6:13 am

IowaSteeler927 wrote:
Did you guys watch the season finale? Man what a season that was! The King in the North!!!!!!!!!!!

Best episode in at least the past two seasons.

R + L = J confirmed!!

Game of Thrones - Page 5 6o22bn
Wallace108: Jon, how the hell do you expect any of us to ever follow your posts? You always set the bar awfully high.  Game of Thrones - Page 5 1664291743

"Ray Rice is special.  He is a guy for all situations, as I have said before, even in an elevator." -Mike Tomlin
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Game of Thrones - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Game of Thrones   Game of Thrones - Page 5 EmptyFri Jul 01, 2016 4:44 pm

IowaSteeler927 wrote:
Did you guys watch the season finale? Man what a season that was! The King in the North!!!!!!!!!!!

fantastic... how is that now, after all the horrifying things she has done i am suddenly on the evil queens side Game of Thrones - Page 5 1505004552

Game of Thrones - Page 5 Vasign10

"Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead." - Butch
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Game of Thrones - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Game of Thrones   Game of Thrones - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 06, 2016 12:34 am

JonM229 wrote:
IowaSteeler927 wrote:
Did you guys watch the season finale? Man what a season that was! The King in the North!!!!!!!!!!!

Best episode in at least the past two seasons.

R + L = J confirmed!!

I am so rooting for Jon Snow right now. Kind of sad that he isn't really a Stark but I think we all saw that coming. That was a pretty popular fan theory, and one that turned out to be true.

vasteeler wrote:
IowaSteeler927 wrote:
Did you guys watch the season finale? Man what a season that was! The King in the North!!!!!!!!!!!

fantastic... how is that now, after all the horrifying things she has done i am suddenly on the evil queens side Game of Thrones - Page 5 1505004552

Yeah I won't lie I was literally cheering. I was sad about Margaery, but other than that I was getting really, really fed up with the High Sparrow and was happy to see him go up in flames. Cersei never disappoints, and locking that religious woman whatever her name was, in with Gregor Clegane (or what's left of him), was about as cold, and heartless as it gets.

Game of Thrones - Page 5 PaKS9WC
"Success isn't owned, it's leased and the rent is due every day." - TJ Watt
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Location : Ball So Hard University

Game of Thrones - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Game of Thrones   Game of Thrones - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 06, 2016 8:07 am

I probably would have been sick of the High Sparrow earlier if he weren't portrayed by Jonathan Pryce.

Game of Thrones - Page 5 6o22bn
Wallace108: Jon, how the hell do you expect any of us to ever follow your posts? You always set the bar awfully high.  Game of Thrones - Page 5 1664291743

"Ray Rice is special.  He is a guy for all situations, as I have said before, even in an elevator." -Mike Tomlin
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