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 Skyline Review

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Skyline Review Empty
PostSubject: Skyline Review   Skyline Review EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 1:56 am

Brand new review on the movie Skyline. Hopefully you haven't seen it....check out my full review at

Quote :
I don't normally do new releases very often, so it's kinda nice when I get the chance to do something new. Recently, Netflix has been putting new release movies on Instant Watch in High Definition. The three movies that I've noticed are Skyline, The Fighter, and The Way Back. So you make ask the question.....why the hell did I start with Skyline? Well..I don't know. I guess I figured that if I kept an open mind and tried to just enjoy some mindless entertainment it might be alright. No. Bad idea. Skyline royally sucked. It sucked in every single way that a movie could possibly suck. For the last half hour I have been trying to come up with something positive to say about it, I'm still drawing a blank. Maybe by the time I'm done writing this review I will have come up with something....but I doubt it. It was that bad.

After a night of partying, some friends are shocked to find that they are a few of the only people left on the planet after an alien invasion. They fight to survive. Yep...that's the plot. Doesn't go much deeper than that either. As a matter of fact, it doesn't go ANY deeper than that. That's it folks. You may be asking, "Well with such an original plot, what could possibly go wrong." Well...when a film is as devoid of originality as this one is, nothing seems to go right.

"Nobody knows why you go to a picnic to be uncomfortable when it is so easy and pleasant to eat at home."
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Location : Dunedin, FL

Skyline Review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skyline Review   Skyline Review EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 7:48 am

Conceptionally, I thought the idea was a great idea. But the producer and director screwed the pooch on putting it together.

If you want something that takes it to the next level. Battle: Los Angeles.

Skyline Review Scaled.php?server=695&filename=trucky
60 MIN
53 MEN
STEELERS NATION Skyline Review 3056903510

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Don't choose good when greatness is available!
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