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 HIPAA violations and ESPN

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HIPAA violations and ESPN Empty
PostSubject: HIPAA violations and ESPN   HIPAA violations and ESPN EmptyThu Jul 09, 2015 7:39 am

Did ESPN violate HIPAA by posting Pierre-Paul's medical records?

The ESPN report that Giants pass rusher Jason Pierre-Paul was having his right index finger amputated was shocking to many, but it was how it was reported that became the topic of conversation, Eliot Shorr-Parks of the Newark Star-Ledger reports..

At 7:04 P.M. EST on Wednesday, ESPN reporter Adam Schefter fired off a tweet, with images of Pierre-Paul's medical records

"ESPN obtained medical charts that show Giants DE Jason Pierre-Paul had right index finger amputated today."

James Harrison has an opinion on this:

James Harrison ‏@jharrison9292 10h10 hours ago
.@AdamSchefter You're a real piece of sh*t for putting that picture up!

This is the strangest life I've ever known.
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HIPAA violations and ESPN Empty
PostSubject: Re: HIPAA violations and ESPN   HIPAA violations and ESPN EmptyThu Jul 09, 2015 9:12 am

James Harrison = blunt honesty

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tony hipchest

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HIPAA violations and ESPN Empty
PostSubject: Re: HIPAA violations and ESPN   HIPAA violations and ESPN EmptyThu Jul 09, 2015 9:54 am

James is making national headlines with his remarks, and im certain his spot on critisizm will be a main topic on all of todays sports talk shows.

Quote :
On Wednesday, New York Giants defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul reportedly had his right index finger amputated in the wake of his July 4 fireworks accident.

ESPN's Adam Schefter broke the news by posting a picture of the two-time Pro Bowler's medical charts.

Many NFL fans on various social media outlets quickly questioned the ethicality—and legality—of posting the image.

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison, never one to hide his feelings, stated his thoughts quite bluntly:

.@AdamSchefter You're a real piece of sh*t for putting that picture up!

— James Harrison (@jharrison9292) July 9, 2015

even if he is not as relevant on the field, he certainly knows how to remain relevant off of it (inadvertantly, just by being himself).

The JPP situation is really interested as the Giants have been left completely in the dark. They flew a high ranking medical staffer down to florida on Tuesday, and he was unable to see JPP. Was the player hiding something from the team? ashamed? Taking [good/bad?] advice from lawyer/agent?

He may not be able to play football this year (costing him $14 mil.) if ever again. Somebody's getting sued.


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HIPAA violations and ESPN Empty
PostSubject: Re: HIPAA violations and ESPN   HIPAA violations and ESPN EmptyThu Jul 09, 2015 9:59 am

tony hipchest wrote:
The JPP situation is really interested as the Giants have been left completely in the dark.  They flew a high ranking medical staffer down to florida on Tuesday, and he was unable to see JPP.  Was the player hiding something from the team?  ashamed?  Taking [good/bad?] advice from lawyer/agent?

From what I've read, he has yet to sign his Franchise Tag tender. So, he really has no (financial) incentive to be examined by the Giants medical staff, nor is he required to do so.

HIPAA violations and ESPN 6o22bn
Wallace108: Jon, how the hell do you expect any of us to ever follow your posts? You always set the bar awfully high.  HIPAA violations and ESPN 1664291743

"Ray Rice is special.  He is a guy for all situations, as I have said before, even in an elevator." -Mike Tomlin
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tony hipchest

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HIPAA violations and ESPN Empty
PostSubject: Re: HIPAA violations and ESPN   HIPAA violations and ESPN EmptyThu Jul 09, 2015 10:21 am

its a head scratcher. i think he has been getting bad advice, which he may be saved from by what seems to be an obvious and blatant HIPPA violation.

How did ESPN get those medical reports? It wasnt from the Giants.

Quote :
Some around the league have speculated that JPP’s agents kept the Giants in the dark so they wouldn’t withdraw the franchise tag. But that made no sense because if the Giants did that, their best pass rusher would suddenly become a free agent. The agents had to know the Giants would prefer to protect one of their top assets, especially when they’d have no financial liability if they placed him on the NFI.

Meanwhile, others have guessed the agents actually wanted the tag pulled since they weren’t too thrilled with it to begin with. Perhaps they preferred to take their chances with a damaged free agent armed with doctors’ reports that said he’ll be fine in a few months But again, the Giants are not that gullible. The agents had to know the team had no compelling reason to surrender JPP’s rights.

At the moment, though, those are all guesses. The truth is the Giants don’t even have any idea why they’re being kept away and out of the loop and JPP’s side isn’t talking. All the Giants know is that they went to Miami offering help and support to one of their players.

For some reason, Jason Pierre-Paul and his advisers turned down the opportunity for help and advice from some of the top doctors and surgeons in the business. For JPP’s sake, the Giants hope that decision doesn’t turn out to be as disastrous as his decision to light that firecracker on the Fourth of July.


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tony hipchest

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HIPAA violations and ESPN Empty
PostSubject: Re: HIPAA violations and ESPN   HIPAA violations and ESPN EmptyMon Jul 13, 2015 10:35 am

Adam Schefter explains why he exposed Jason Pierre-Paul's medical chart
Quote :
In an interview with Sports Illustrated, Schefter insisted sharing the photo was a necessary component to his report.

"This was a public figure and franchise player involved in a widely-speculated accident with potential criminal behavior in which there was a cone of secrecy that surrounded him for five days that not even his own team could crack. This wasn’t as if some player were admitted to the hospital with a secret illness or disease — we’ve seen those cases over the years, as recently as this past year even.

"This one was different and unique for a variety of reasons. The extent of his injuries were going to come to light, maybe that day or later that week, but soon. They’re horrific injuries, incredibly unfortunate for the player. But in a day and age in which pictures and videos tell stories and confirm facts, in which sources and their motives are routinely questioned, and in which reporters strive to be as accurate as possible, this was the ultimate supporting proof."

The hospital, Jackson Memorial in Miami, Fla., has promised an internal investigation to uncover how the information was leaked. Pierre-Paul reportedly is expected to sue the hospital.


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HIPAA violations and ESPN Empty
PostSubject: Re: HIPAA violations and ESPN   HIPAA violations and ESPN EmptyMon Jul 13, 2015 12:59 pm

Adam Schefter or anybody should never make medical records public. scumbag move on Schefter he is dead to me will never listen to another report from him.

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HIPAA violations and ESPN Empty
PostSubject: Re: HIPAA violations and ESPN   HIPAA violations and ESPN EmptyMon Jul 13, 2015 1:15 pm

effyou515 wrote:
Adam Schefter or anybody should never make medical records public. scumbag move on Schefter he is dead to me will never listen to another report from him.

There should be a public record of the names of people involved in these kinds of accidents. That way we know who needs to be sterilized so they can't infect the gene pool.

We should probably also add anyone on there who isn't white with blond hair and blue eyes.

HIPAA violations and ESPN 6o22bn
Wallace108: Jon, how the hell do you expect any of us to ever follow your posts? You always set the bar awfully high.  HIPAA violations and ESPN 1664291743

"Ray Rice is special.  He is a guy for all situations, as I have said before, even in an elevator." -Mike Tomlin
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