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 Another celebrity Steeler fan

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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 5:35 am

Do you recognize girl on the left with the Steelers logo on the top of her shirt...

Another celebrity Steeler fan CspjHbuXEAEwph7

...and the Terrible Towel in her right hand?

Another celebrity Steeler fan CspjG3ZXgAExwdm

That's Ariana Grande, posing for pictures in the lobby at Heinz Field before the game this past Sunday. The woman with her is Josina Anderson of ESPN, and the time stamp on Anderson's tweet is 12:20PM, September 18, 2016.

I hope Ariana had a good time and didn't get too wet. She can afford a box, though, so I'm sure she was fine.
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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 7:01 am

Another celebrity Steeler fan 14364776_10155234575017067_1297285251166843101_n_zpswvjvvcbv

Saw Arianna and Mac Miller as they walked right by us out the visitors tunnel towards the beginning of the game.

Another celebrity Steeler fan PaKS9WC
"Success isn't owned, it's leased and the rent is due every day." - TJ Watt
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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 7:10 am

That's fucking awesome.

I gotta say, I like that Ariana didn't mind braving the elements.
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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 7:19 am

Craziaskowboi wrote:
That's fucking awesome.

I gotta say, I like that Ariana didn't mind braving the elements.

Yeah they were right out there with us, but I suspect they ended up watching the rest of the game in a suite, or one of the club areas.

Another celebrity Steeler fan PaKS9WC
"Success isn't owned, it's leased and the rent is due every day." - TJ Watt
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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 7:20 am

IowaSteeler927 wrote:
Craziaskowboi wrote:
That's fucking awesome.

I gotta say, I like that Ariana didn't mind braving the elements.

Yeah they were right out there with us, but I suspect they ended up watching the rest of the game in a suite, or one of the club areas.

Probably, but I don't blame them with weather like that.
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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 7:55 am

I think she is a Steelers fan because she is with Mac Miller. I saw her Snap story where she posted multiple videos of the game.

Twitter:  @SteelersYak
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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 7:57 am

SteelersYak wrote:
I think she is a Steelers fan because she is with Mac Miller.  I saw her Snap story where she posted multiple videos of the game.  

Well, if she breaks up with him eventually, hopefully some of our charisma rubs off on her and she remains a Steeler fan anyway. Another celebrity Steeler fan 2185032793
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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 7:57 am

IowaSteeler927 wrote:
Craziaskowboi wrote:
That's fucking awesome.

I gotta say, I like that Ariana didn't mind braving the elements.

Yeah they were right out there with us, but I suspect they ended up watching the rest of the game in a suite, or one of the club areas.

Iowa was it as stressful in person as it was on TV? I told my wife these kind of games make me crazy er. Another celebrity Steeler fan 1797695198 Even though Bell and Bryant didn't play DW held down the fort if you ask me.
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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 8:39 am

solardave wrote:
IowaSteeler927 wrote:
Craziaskowboi wrote:
That's fucking awesome.

I gotta say, I like that Ariana didn't mind braving the elements.

Yeah they were right out there with us, but I suspect they ended up watching the rest of the game in a suite, or one of the club areas.

Iowa was it as stressful in person as it was on TV? I told my wife these kind of games make me crazy er. Another celebrity Steeler fan 1797695198 Even though Bell and Bryant didn't play DW held down the fort if you ask me.

It was definitely stressful, but it made it that much sweeter when we won. They played Renegade towards the end of the game, and followed that up with a replay of Jeremy Hill's crucial fumble in the playoff game right after that... Then the Bengals fumbled again. Talk about rubbing salt in a wound. Another celebrity Steeler fan 1797695198 Another celebrity Steeler fan 3562723908 Another celebrity Steeler fan 1647293567

Another celebrity Steeler fan PaKS9WC
"Success isn't owned, it's leased and the rent is due every day." - TJ Watt
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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 10:48 am

IowaSteeler927 wrote:
solardave wrote:
IowaSteeler927 wrote:
Craziaskowboi wrote:
That's fucking awesome.

I gotta say, I like that Ariana didn't mind braving the elements.

Yeah they were right out there with us, but I suspect they ended up watching the rest of the game in a suite, or one of the club areas.

Iowa was it as stressful in person as it was on TV? I told my wife these kind of games make me crazy er. Another celebrity Steeler fan 1797695198 Even though Bell and Bryant didn't play DW held down the fort if you ask me.

It was definitely stressful, but it made it that much sweeter when we won. They played Renegade towards the end of the game, and followed that up with a replay of Jeremy Hill's crucial fumble in the playoff game right after that... Then the Bengals fumbled again. Talk about rubbing salt in a wound. Another celebrity Steeler fan 1797695198 Another celebrity Steeler fan 3562723908 Another celebrity Steeler fan 1647293567

No problem...... as long as it's our salt being rubbed in their wounds.   Twisted Evil
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El-Gonzo Jackson

El-Gonzo Jackson

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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 11:30 am

Josina Anderson said Mark Sanchez would start for Broncos or she would cut her hair off. Obviously she didn't follow thru with the promise.
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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 12:29 pm

IowaSteeler927 wrote:
solardave wrote:
IowaSteeler927 wrote:
Craziaskowboi wrote:
That's fucking awesome.

I gotta say, I like that Ariana didn't mind braving the elements.

Yeah they were right out there with us, but I suspect they ended up watching the rest of the game in a suite, or one of the club areas.

Iowa was it as stressful in person as it was on TV? I told my wife these kind of games make me crazy er. Another celebrity Steeler fan 1797695198 Even though Bell and Bryant didn't play DW held down the fort if you ask me.

It was definitely stressful, but it made it that much sweeter when we won. They played Renegade towards the end of the game, and followed that up with a replay of Jeremy Hill's crucial fumble in the playoff game right after that... Then the Bengals fumbled again. Talk about rubbing salt in a wound. Another celebrity Steeler fan 1797695198 Another celebrity Steeler fan 3562723908 Another celebrity Steeler fan 1647293567

I love Another celebrity Steeler fan 1647293567 it and I'm glad you had a good time.
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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 2:42 pm

Another celebrity Steeler fan Juju10

If you're going to be a smart ass, you'd better be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass.
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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyThu Sep 22, 2016 6:36 am

Wallace108 wrote:

It's interesting to see a couple of Pittsburgh guys charming Sofia Vergara and Ariana Grande. That requires a degree of social skills that everybody thinks Pittsburghers lack.
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Fire Arians

Fire Arians

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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyThu Sep 22, 2016 12:59 pm

Don't know who that is, she looks eleventeen so probably not my demographic
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Another celebrity Steeler fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another celebrity Steeler fan   Another celebrity Steeler fan EmptyFri Sep 23, 2016 7:49 am

Ben's Response to Sofia butchering his name:

Another celebrity Steeler fan PaKS9WC
"Success isn't owned, it's leased and the rent is due every day." - TJ Watt
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